EUR/USD Weekly Outlook Good Morning guys! The European news events were also not better for the EUR/USD buyers. The Main refinancing rate and ECB's Monitory Policy with Press Conference couldn't bring anything for the buyers of EUR/USD. Therefore,...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S N Z D / U S D Hello. Today I am analyzing the NZD/USD chart and there is nothing interesting for this pair yet. Now let's talk about today's chart prepared in this time frame. NZD/USD is trading at 0.5758 at the...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S A U D / U S D Hello everyone, it's the third day of the week, and it's time to do an evaluation of trading. I will share an analysis of the AUD/USD market. Looking at the price movement, AUD/USD is trading at...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S U S D / C H F Hello. I hope you stay healthy and enthusiastic. Today, I want to share the USD/CHF analysis. Let's start today's topic. USD/CHF is trading at 0.8925 at the time of writing. USD/CHF is running in the...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S C L / CRUDE OIL Hello, I hope that you are doing a great job in your life so let's try to analyze Crude oil. If you look at the Crude oil time frame, the market price is currently in an uptrend, and the price is...