The currency pair moved in a narrow range on Friday. However, buyers had an advantage in the market. The price has been under buyer dominance since the Asian trading session opened on Friday at 1.8382. The price rose, and the breakout of the nearby...
Technical analysis of USDJPY Today I choose USD/JPY for technical analysis. Market prices are rising but are trying to change their structure. This time it fell with the help of a trendline, but recently it broke this trendline, helping its price...
Technical analysis of USDCHF Today I choose USD/CHF for technical analysis. The market price is rising, but it is trying to change its structure. This time it fell with the help of a trendline, but recently it broke this trendline, helping its price...
USDJPY currency pair - D1 chart. It is clear how last week the bulls continued to push the price higher, but still ran out of steam by the end of the week. For over ten days in a row, the price has been sawing in a rather narrow sideways range at...
In my personal view, technical analysis remains one of the most reliable methods to gauge market trends, particularly for volatile pairs like GBP/JPY. Observing the provided chart, it becomes clear that the market has experienced a gradual downtrend...