On Friday, I initially expected the sellers of the Euro to push prices down and update the current maximum of 1.03323. However, buyers were able to step in with strong upward momentum, and now the key question is whether the sellers can regroup and...
Market Overview: Navigating Bitcoin’s Movements Greetings, traders! Welcome to Interlock's Trading Journal. How are you today? I hope you’re doing well and reaping the rewards of my Bitcoin analysis. Yesterday, Bitcoin tested the 96,300 level before...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S E U R / U S D Good Morning Visitors. Let’s focus on the EUR/USD price action. EUR/USD is trading at 1.0429 at the time of writing. The US dollar index is in positive territory, which indicates that the US currency...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S U S D / C H F Hello dear members and admin. Let's see how USD/CHF will behave in the subsequent trading sessions. USD/CHF is trading at 0.8928 at the time of writing. If we look at USD/CHF at this time according...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S N Z D / U S D Good morning all forum friends. NZD/USD is trading at 0.5649 at the time of writing. Let's look at today's NZD/USD market price changes. NZD/USD prices have changed little since yesterday. For the...