AUD/USD We had an interesting trading day on Thursday, don't you think? Euro/dollar rushed south from pound/dollar, gold flew north in defiance, and our friends from the east - New Zealand dollar, dollar/yen and the AUD/USD we are considering -...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S G B P / U S D My dear friends, I hope you are all doing well and working well on the forum. The current price behavior of the GBP/USD market is the topic of my article for today. So now we start our trading...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S X A U / U S D Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. It is my pleasure to share my thoughts on XAU/USD with you today. Hence, keep your eyes on the analysis. According to the XAU/USD chart, it appears that...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S E U R / U S D I wish all members a good morning, and I wish you all good health and the smooth running of all your affairs. The current price behavior of the EUR/USD market is the subject of my article today. The...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S N Z D / U S D Good Morning, I hope that all of my coworkers are enjoying their lives. I hope you are ready to trade again. Now let's start the analysis by using the EMA and this timeframe. Currently, the market...