The price is currently grappling with a challenging landscape. Despite some initial gains against the Dollar, the currency remains near its lowest point since early December. This weakness stems from a confluence of factors, primarily the Bank of...
The latest Eurozone inflation figures have presented the European Central Bank (ECB) with a complex dilemma. While the central bank has already implemented a rate cut, persistent inflation, particularly in core economies like Germany, is raising...
USD / CAD: Trading Recommendation The bulls of USDCAD are still in action, showing a steady effort to maintain control over the market. Yet, momentum remains sluggish as consistent holidays impact trading activity. Reduced market participation has...
The spot price weakened against the Dollar on Thursday, falling to 0.6215. This decline was primarily driven by a combination of weak domestic data and a relatively strong Dollar. Circumstances surrounding the economy, particularly persistent...
AUD / USD: An Hourly Time Frame Recommendation Yesterday, the market sentiment of AUDUSD was notably weak, hovering around the 0.6245 level, indicating bulls lacked the strength to drive significant price movement. Consistent holidays that started...