On Friday, I initially expected the sellers of the Euro to push prices down and update the current maximum of 1.03323. However, buyers were able to step in with strong upward momentum, and now the key question is whether the sellers can regroup and...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S X A U / U S D Hello friends. I hope you will be fine. I will try to analyze the XAU/USD market, and hopefully what I share in my analysis will be useful for us in improving the quality of our trading. XAU/USD is...
GBP/USD Market Analysis Current Market Status This morning, I am analyzing the GBP/USD market, which is currently trading at 1.2565. There is significant weakness in the price movement, indicating that sellers are still dominating the market and...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S U S D / C H F Hello dear members and admin. Let's see how USD/CHF will behave in the subsequent trading sessions. USD/CHF is trading at 0.8928 at the time of writing. If we look at USD/CHF at this time according...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S C L / CRUDE OIL Hello respected visitors. How are you doing today? I want to analyze the Crude oil price movement from a technical and fundamental point of view. Technically, the market price of Crude oil is...