Gold jumped to a high of 2,595 on Thursday and retested Wednesday's all-time high of 2,600. Despite hitting new highs, Wednesday's session ended on a weak note, with a bearish reversal and closing in the lower half of the day's trading range. This...
Market Update: Key Developments This Week All significant fundamental events have transpired over the past week. The market has once again demonstrated that the nature of fundamental events holds little meaning. In every event, the market tends to...
General Points of USDCHF: The market of USDCHF is following a bullish concept right now. Hence, the price is trading at the border of 0.8490. We also can open a buy order just now and one of the reasons the USD has seen such a sharp decline is that...
AUD/USD Analysis Overview of Recent Price Movements On Thursday, the AUD/USD spot price experienced a pullback against the US Dollar (USD), a result of various economic influences. Initially, the currency pair showed strong potential, buoyed by the...
Price Action Analysis: GBPUSD The present analysis of the GBPUSD price behavior is subject to discussion. The price structure is still highly favorable on a daily basis on the left, with the correction from 1.3260 to 1.3000 acting as a brake and the...