The Spot price, often referred to as the "Loonie," experienced a mixed day on Thursday. While initially showing weakness, the CAD gained ground against the US Dollar (USD) after the Federal Reserve (Fed) unexpectedly cut interest rates by 50 basis...
The price is currently grappling with a challenging landscape. Despite some initial gains against the Dollar, the currency remains near its lowest point since early December. This weakness stems from a confluence of factors, primarily the Bank of...
Anyone interested can join the InstaSpot platform using provided. What is InstaSpot? What is it for? is a service designed to exchange different types of currencies between your trading accounts, involving electronic payment systems (EPS) or bank...
Tesla shares have a dangerous competitor – Nvidia According to Vanda Research, Nvidia shares attracted record investments of almost $30 billion in 2024. This has made them the most popular among private investors. As of the end of December, Nvidia...
Well looks interesting but I need some answers. Does it available for bonus account? 2ndly which level account should be verified to use this...