The currency pair has faced a sharp decline, dipping to approximately 1.0210 during Friday's American session, marking its lowest point in over two years. This drop follows key economic developments that have significantly hindered any bullish...
Russia escalated its assault on Ukraine by launching a devastating drone strike on the capital city of Kyiv, resulting in two fatalities and injuring at least six others. The attack caused significant damage to buildings across two districts as...
GBP/USD H-4 update analysis GBP/USD British Pound - US Dollar. Analysis and general direction of the currency pair movement. Time period of analysis - 4 hours time-frame. The linear regression indicator Extended Regression StopAndReverse, in...
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is in the midst of a difficult battle to reverse the two-year downward trend of the Japanese Yen. Despite deploying numerous policy tools, including aggressive interventions and adjusting interest rates, the BoJ has yet to...
The European Central Bank (ECB) has lowered its three key interest rates by 25 basis points, bringing the deposit rate to 3%. In its latest monetary policy statement, the central bank reaffirmed its commitment to achieving its 2% inflation target...