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آخری سرگرمی: 31-07-2015, 05:28 PM
شامل ہو گئے: 09-07-2015
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  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا Forex trading is a great trap.

    Forex trading is a great trap.

    I think forex trading is great trap and here people comes from all corner of the world and stick with the business as this is forex trading business work...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا Future News of Forex

    Future News of Forex

    Any trade in the world is prediciet by its experts trader which tells the future of trade on the market.And sometimes their predictions are right according...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا Do not lose hopes.

    Do not lose hopes.

    Forex is not a source of only losses and there are people who have made millions and even billions only from Forex trading. This only indicates that Forex...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا what about trading in gold?

    what about trading in gold?

    trading in forex means that you are doing such business in which there is a lot of money and you can earn unlimited by doing right work , all currencies...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا Leading and hidden divergence

    Leading and hidden divergence

    There are many tools available to understand the nature and behavior of the market one of them are divergence. Here I want to ask from all the participants...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا how many capitals you losoe before you gain?

    how many capitals you losoe before you gain?

    I want ask people who are in the forums how many capital did you loose in forex market and how much money did you loose before you start gaining in forex...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا What is the most important to learn money or learn

    What is the most important to learn money or learn

    I have a question what is the most important for any the beginner in forex market .The money or the learning and gaining knowledge,

    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا how we discover the reasons of loose

    how we discover the reasons of loose

    I see that it is not easy to disocver the reasons of loose,The best way to can help us to do that ,We should open an demo account and in that demo account...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا About experience

    About experience

    I am trading from three years. My dream to be good trader. But i can't do this. Day by day it is become harder to me. How can i get good experience in...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

  • usamadon
    نے ایک موضوع شروع کیا The problem in Forex textbook.

    The problem in Forex textbook.

    hi......I see the problem about some of Forex for newbies textbook or E-book because my little sister tries to read them very much but she don't understand...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں
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