The surface reveals a dominant seller-driven narrative, suggesting an overall bearish sentiment. However, much like an iceberg, a significant part of the market remains hidden beneath the surface. Beneath the visible sell pressure, bargain hunters...
The currency pair has faced a sharp decline, dipping to approximately 1.0210 during Friday's American session, marking its lowest point in over two years. This drop follows key economic developments that have significantly hindered any bullish...
Expectations of aggressive rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand are weighing heavily on the pair price against the Dollar. Adding to the complexity are heightened global risks and significant shifts in international monetary policies, which...
USD/JPY Technical Analysis On the 30-minute chart, the USD/JPY pair is currently trading in a range bounded by a minor resistance level at 158.500 and a minor support level at 157.300. The price is consolidating in this range, reflecting a period of...
•••Gold Price Holds Steady Amid Economic and Geopolitical Tension(January 10,2025)••• • As of January 10, 2025, gold has remained steady, trading around $2,670 per ounce. With the world economy in a state of flux, gold continues to draw interest...