AUD-USD PAIR ANALYSIS On the AudUsd market pair traded on Wednesday yesterday was able to be maintained by buyers who returned more dominantly and maintained the price to remain above the buyer support area at a price of 0.6243-0.6244 which the...
Technical Analysis AUD/USD From a technical perspective, caution is warranted. For AUD/USD, key support is at 0.6087, the lowest level in 2025. A break below this level could push the pair towards the 0.6000 level. On the upside, resistance is at...
THE CURRENCY PAIR AUD-NZD Today we will consider the chart of the senior period D1. The wave structure is mostly ascending; the trend, although not steep, is clearly ascending. The MACD indicator is now in the upper purchase zone and above its...
The EUR/GBP currency pair has been consistently declining since January 20th, encountering significant resistance near the downtrend line originating from the high of February 3, 2023. This sustained adherence to the downtrend line reinforces the...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S X A U / U S D Good morning and warmest welcome to all members. Today we are going to share a new analysis that will also benefit you. At this moment, the price of XAU/USD is floating at the resistance zone of...