T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S X A U / U S D Good morning friends. Let’s pay attention to the XAU/USD price movement. XAU/USD is trading at 2562.56 at the time of writing. It is vital to pay attention to the XAU/USD market behavior on the lower...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S U S D / C H F USD/CHF is trading at 0.8878 at the time of writing. The market of USD/CHF is not different from other major currency pairs. USD/CHF is an excellent pairn account of the fact that many public figures...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S U S D / C A D Hello, I want to analyze the movement of the price of USD/CAD from a technical point of view. Let’s look at the movement in a smaller time frame to make it easier to understand. USD/CAD is trading at...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S G B P / U S D Good Morning. I'll be writing an essay today regarding how prices are behaving right now on the GBP/USD market. GBP/USD is trading at 1.2619 at the time of writing. The USD index is testing the...
T E C H N I C A L _ A N A L Y S I S U S D / J P Y Hello, I hope all my members who work and administration are well. Today’s article focuses on the current price action of the USD/JPY market. USD/JPY is trading at 154.37 at the time of writing....