Trading with tweezer pattern

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  • #211 Collapse

    but to the chart window. When the chart is scrolled, the text label does not move. The "Insert — Text
    Label" menu command will also add comment into the chart;
    Add a comment into the chart. It will be anchored directly to the chart. When the chart is scrolled,
    the text will move together with it. The "Insert — Text" menu command will also add comment into the
    • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
    • #212 Collapse

      Menu to manage graphical symbols. One can add graphical signs into the chart or delete all the
      imposed signs from it using this menu. These objects can also be imposed into the chart by the "Insert
      — Arrows" menu command;
      A crosshair. Cursor in this mode allows to highlight coordinates of the selected point in the chart or
      • #213 Collapse

        indicator window. This mode can only work within the active chart window. If, being in the "Crosshair"
        mode, one keeps the left mouse button pressed and moves the cursor, a line connecting these two
        points will be drawn. The distance between the points and the current price value will be highlighted to
        • #214 Collapse

          the right of the second point of the line. This will look as [amount of bars between two points] /
          [amount of points between two points] / [the current price value in the second point]. This tool is
          named electronic ruler. Cursor can also be switched to the crosshair mode by pressing acceleration keys
          • #215 Collapse

            • #216 Collapse

              The “Market Watch” window within the client terminal lists all quotes sent from the server. The quotes
              are listed by symbolname and the “bid” and “ask” prices. The “Market Watch” window can be opened
              by selecting the button within the standard tool bar; alternatively the user can select “Market
              View” from the “View” menu. The Market Watch window can also be opened or closed by selecting
              • #217 Collapse

                This window allows to place market and pending orders and open new charts. When the right mouse
                button is clicked in the "Market Watch" window, the context menu will appear where the following
                commands are available:
                New Order: Here users can open the "New Order" window where the user can prepare and place a
                market or a pending order for the symbol selected. In the order preparation, the user can specify the
                • #218 Collapse

                  • #219 Collapse

                    MT4 User Guide
                    window, by the "Tools — New Order" menu command, by the "Terminal — Trade — New Order"
                    window context menu command, the button of the "Standard" toolbar, or by selecting F9;
                    Chart Window: Here the user can open the chart of the symbol selected.. The symbol chart can also be
                    • #220 Collapse

                      opened by the "File — New Chart" and "Window — New Window" menu commands and by selecting
                      the button in the "Standard" toolbar;
                      Tick Chart: This option allows the user to open the tick chart of the symbol selected. Unlike normal
                      charts, the tick chart is located directly in the "Market Watch" window. The tick chart of the selected
                      • #221 Collapse

                        symbol can also be viewed by switching to the tab of the same name in the same window;
                        Hide: Delete (hide) the symbol from the list. To minimize the traffic, it is recommended to hide unused
                        symbols from the quotes window by this command or by pressing of the Delete button.
                        Please note: If there are open positions or pending orders for the symbol, or its chart is open, the
                        • #222 Collapse

                          symbol cannot be deleted.
                          Hide All: This option will delete all symbols from the list. This command does not apply to symbols for
                          which there are open positions or the charts of which were opened in the current working session;
                          Show All: Show the list of all available symbols. After this command has been executed, quotes will
                          income for all these symbols;
                          • #223 Collapse

                            Symbols: This option calls the Symbols window. Where there is a list of all available symbols. Symbols
                            are grouped in the window according to their types. The "Show Symbol" command allows to add
                            necessary symbols to the quotes window, and that of "Hide Symbol" — to delete a symbol from it. The
                            "Properties" window command allows viewing the symbol parameters;
                            • #224 Collapse

                              Sets: Open the sub-menu that manages the symbol sets. The current set of symbols can be stored in this
                              sub-menu, as well as delete or select an already existing one;
                              High/Low: Add the highest and the lowest values of the daily price to the quotes displayed;
                              Time: show time of incoming quotes;
                              • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
                              • #225 Collapse

                                Auto Arrange: automatic arranging of columns when changing the window size. Auto Arrange can also
                                be enabled by selecting the A button;
                                Grid: Show/hide the grid separating columns. The grid can also be shown by pressing G button;
                                Popup Prices: This option opens an additional quotes window. The list of symbols in this window is the

                                اب آن لائن
