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  • #106 Collapse

    By utilizing a paper trading account to test your strategy BEFORE you
    begin live trading, you will gain confidence in your strategy and your
    decisions as a trader.
    And confidence is your most important characteristic.
    Trade your strategy for at least 40 trades on a paper trading account be -
    fore you even think about putting real money on the line.
    • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
    • #107 Collapse

      4 User Guide
      Important Information – Disclaimer
      This document has been provided to you at your unsolicited request. This document is provided to you on the basis that you acknowledge
      that you have read and understood the following terms:
      • #108 Collapse

        Alpari (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
        and entered on the FSA’s Register of authorised persons with registration number 448002. It is registered in the UK, registered number
        05284142. Its registered office is 201 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3AB.
        • #109 Collapse

          Confidentiality - This document and its contents are confidential to the person to whom it is delivered and should not be copied, or distributed
          in whole or in part or disclosed by such persons to any other person without the prior written consent of Alpari (UK) Limited. If you are not the
          • #110 Collapse

            intended recipient you must not use or disclose the information in this document in any way.
            Factual Information / No advice: - This document contains purely factual information and is an outline of matters for discussion only. It does
            not constitute financial product advice and should not be relied on as such. It is indicative only and is not intended to set forth a final expression
            • #111 Collapse

              of the terms and conditions of any financial product. Nothing in this document shall be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any security or
              product, or to engage in or refrain from engaging in any transaction. None of the information takes into account your personal objectives,
              financial situation or needs and you must determine whether the information is appropriate in terms of your particular circumstances. Alpari
              • #112 Collapse

                (UK) Limited is dealing with you exclusively on the basis that you have sufficient knowledge, experience and/or professional financial, tax, legal
                and other advice to undertake your own assessment of the information.
                Not complete - The information contained in this document is subject to discussion, completion and amendment. This document does not
                • #113 Collapse

                  contain all the information necessary to fully evaluate an investment in any structure and, as such, no reliance should be placed on the contents
                  of this document.
                  No offer - No part of the information is to be construed as solicitation, invitation or offer to make a financial investment.
                  Past Performance - Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance.
                  Forward Statements - This document may contain forward-looking statements and estimates (“Forward Statements”). No representation is
                  • #114 Collapse

                    made or will be made that any Forward Statements will be achieved or will prove to be correct. Actual future results and operation could vary
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                    Third Party Information - The material in this document has been prepared in good faith by Alpari (UK) Limited. However, certain parts of this
                    • #115 Collapse

                      material have been obtained or are based upon information obtained from third parties which may not have been checked or verified. Except
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                      Not legally binding
                      • #116 Collapse

                        - No proposal put forward in this paper is intended to be binding upon Alpari (UK) Limited, whether by way of agreement,
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                        Errors and omissions - To the extent permitted by law, Alpari (UK) Limited accepts no responsibility for errors or misstatements, negligent or
                        • #117 Collapse

                          otherwise. The information may be based on assumptions or market conditions and may change without notice. Unless expressly stated, the
                          information contained in this document is current as at the date of this document. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Alpari (UK)
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                            Limited, its respective directors, employees, advisers or agents accept no liability for any loss arising from the use of this document or its
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                            • #119 Collapse

                              MT4 User Guide
                              About This Document
                              The MT4 User Guide provides an overview of MT4 and step-by-step procedures for using it to perform
                              trading activities.
                              The audience for this document is MT4 end users.
                              • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
                              • #120 Collapse

                                This User Guide assumes that the user has a basic familiarity with the Windows operating system. The
                                user guide refers to windows functions such as context menus, on text menus can be accessed by

                                اب آن لائن
