آسٹریلین ڈالر اور نیوزی لینڈ ڈالر: AUD/NZD کی تفصیلات

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آسٹریلین ڈالر اور نیوزی لینڈ ڈالر: AUD/NZD کی تفصیلات

Theme: Aud/nzd
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  • #331 Collapse

    analysis for today 6 / 19 / 2014
    AUD/NZD (Daily Trade)
    I think the movement is still in a bullish trend
    retracement (38.2%) 1.0768
    Retracement (50%) 1.0763
    retracement (61,8%) 1.0757

    Extensions (61.8%) 1.0811
    Extensions (100.0%) 1.0827
    Extensions (138.2%) 1.0843
    Extensions (161.8%) 1.0854
    calculation based on a Fibonacci retracement then today I choose buy
    • <a href="https://www.instaforex.org/ru/?x=ruforum">InstaForex</a>
    • #332 Collapse

      analysis for today 6 / 20 / 2014
      Below is the formula to determine the pivot point, support and resistance.
      Information candle AUDNZD on the date 6 / 19 / 2014
      OPEN 1.0766
      HIGH 1.0806
      LOW 1.0757
      CLOSED 1.0778

      The third resistance (R3) 1.0806 -( 1.0780 - 1.0757 = 0.0023 x 2 = 0.0047 )= 1.0853
      The second Resistance (R2) 1.0780 + 1.0806 - 1.0757 = 1.0829
      First resistance (R1) 1.0780 x 2 = 2.1561 - 1.0757 = 1.0804
      pivot points 1.0806 + 1.0757 + 1.0778 = 3.2341 / 3 = 1.0780
      Support for the first (S1) 1.0780 x 2 = 2.1561 - 1.0806 = 1.0755
      Support second (S2) 1.0780 -( 1.0806 - 1.0757 = 0.0049 ) = 1.0731
      Third Support (S3) 1.0757 -( 1.0806 - 1.0780 = 0.0026 x 2 = 0.0051 )= 1.0706
      • #333 Collapse

        analysis for today 6 / 20 / 2014


        Resistance : R1 1.0850 R2 1.0875 R3 1.0895 R4 1.0925
        Support : S1 1.0723 S2 1.0698 S3 1.0678 S4 1.0648

        Open : 1.0776
        High : 1.0798
        Low : 1.0775
        Range : 0.0023 Pips
        Running Price : 1.0798

        Strategy : BUY at the level 1.0798 stop loss at the level 1.0723 target take profit at the level 1.0895 or at the level 1.0925
        • #334 Collapse

          analysis for today 6 / 20 / 2014

          Resistance 3 1.0905
          Resistance 2 1.0875
          Resistance 1 1.0855
          Pivot Point 1.0776
          Support 1 1.0718
          Support 2 1.0698
          Support 3 1.0668

          BUY STOP 1.0855 STOP LOSS 1.0718 TAKE PROFIT 1.0875
          SELL STOP 1.0718 STOP LOSS 1.0855 TAKE PROFIT 1.0698
          • #335 Collapse

            analysis for today 6 / 23 / 2014
            Below is the formula to determine the pivot point, support and resistance.
            Information candle AUDNZD on the date 6 / 20 / 2014
            OPEN 1.0779
            HIGH 1.0807
            LOW 1.0776
            CLOSED 1.0788

            The third resistance (R3) 1.0807 -( 1.0790 - 1.0776 = 0.0014 x 2 = 0.0029 )= 1.0836
            The second Resistance (R2) 1.0790 + 1.0807 - 1.0776 = 1.0821
            First resistance (R1) 1.0790 x 2 = 2.1581 - 1.0776 = 1.0805
            pivot points 1.0807 + 1.0776 + 1.0788 = 3.2371 / 3 = 1.0790
            Support for the first (S1) 1.0790 x 2 = 2.1581 - 1.0807 = 1.0774
            Support second (S2) 1.0790 -( 1.0807 - 1.0776 = 0.0031 ) = 1.0759
            Third Support (S3) 1.0776 -( 1.0807 - 1.0790 = 0.0017 x 2 = 0.0033 )= 1.0743
            • #336 Collapse

              analysis for today 6 / 23 / 2014
              AUD/NZD (Daily Trade)
              I think the movement is still in a bullish trend
              retracement (38.2%) 1.0795
              Retracement (50%) 1.0792
              retracement (61,8%) 1.0788

              Extensions (61.8%) 1.0826
              Extensions (100.0%) 1.0838
              Extensions (138.2%) 1.0850
              Extensions (161.8%) 1.0857
              calculation based on a Fibonacci retracement then today I choose buy
              • #337 Collapse

                analysis for today 6 / 24 / 2014


                Resistance : R1 1.0874 R2 1.0899 R3 1.0919 R4 1.0949
                Support : S1 1.0744 S2 1.0719 S3 1.0699 S4 1.0669

                Open : 1.0808
                High : 1.0819
                Low : 1.0799
                Range : 20 Pips
                Running Price : 1.0804

                Strategy : BUY at the level 1.0804 stop loss at the level 1.0744 target take profit at the level 1.0919 or at the level 1.0949
                • #338 Collapse

                  analysis for today 6 / 24 / 2014

                  Resistance 3 1.0929
                  Resistance 2 1.0899
                  Resistance 1 1.0879
                  Pivot Point 1.0808
                  Support 1 1.0739
                  Support 2 1.0719
                  Support 3 1.0689

                  BUY STOP 1.0879 STOP LOSS 1.0739 TAKE PROFIT 1.0899
                  SELL STOP 1.0739 STOP LOSS 1.0879 TAKE PROFIT 1.0719
                  • #339 Collapse

                    analysis for today 6 / 25 / 2014


                    Resistance : R1 1.0849 R2 1.0874 R3 1.0894 R4 1.0924
                    Support : S1 1.0726 S2 1.0701 S3 1.0681 S4 1.0651

                    Open : 1.0796
                    High : 1.0801
                    Low : 1.0774
                    Range : 27 Pips
                    Running Price : 1.0778

                    Strategy : SELL at the level 1.0778 stop loss at the level 1.0849 target take profit at the level 1.0681 or at the level 1.0651
                    • #340 Collapse

                      analysis for today 6 / 25 / 2014

                      Resistance 3 1.0904
                      Resistance 2 1.0874
                      Resistance 1 1.0854
                      Pivot Point 1.0796
                      Support 1 1.0721
                      Support 2 1.0701
                      Support 3 1.0671

                      BUY STOP 1.0854 STOP LOSS 1.0721 TAKE PROFIT 1.0874
                      SELL STOP 1.0721 STOP LOSS 1.0854 TAKE PROFIT 1.0701
                      • #341 Collapse

                        analysis for today 6 / 26 / 2014
                        Below is the formula to determine the pivot point, support and resistance.
                        Information candle AUDNZD on the date 6 / 25 / 2014
                        OPEN 1.0795
                        HIGH 1.0800
                        LOW 1.0741
                        CLOSED 1.0757

                        The third resistance (R3) 1.0800 -( 1.0766 - 1.0741 = 0.0025 x 2 = 0.0050 )= 1.0850
                        The second Resistance (R2) 1.0766 + 1.0800 - 1.0741 = 1.0825
                        First resistance (R1) 1.0766 x 2 = 2.1532 - 1.0741 = 1.0791
                        pivot points 1.0800 + 1.0741 + 1.0757 = 3.2298 / 3 = 1.0766
                        Support for the first (S1) 1.0766 x 2 = 2.1532 - 1.0800 = 1.0732
                        Support second (S2) 1.0766 -( 1.0800 - 1.0741 = 0.0059 ) = 1.0707
                        Third Support (S3) 1.0741 -( 1.0800 - 1.0766 = 0.0034 x 2 = 0.0068 )= 1.0673
                        • #342 Collapse

                          analysis for today 6 / 26 / 2014

                          Resistance 3 1.0904
                          Resistance 2 1.0874
                          Resistance 1 1.0854
                          Pivot Point 1.0796
                          Support 1 1.0721
                          Support 2 1.0701
                          Support 3 1.0671

                          BUY STOP 1.0854 STOP LOSS 1.0721 TAKE PROFIT 1.0874
                          SELL STOP 1.0721 STOP LOSS 1.0854 TAKE PROFIT 1.0701
                          • #343 Collapse

                            analysis for today 7 / 1 / 2014
                            Below is the formula to determine the pivot point, support and resistance.
                            Information candle AUDNZD on the date 5 / 30 / 2014
                            OPEN 1.0725
                            HIGH 1.0774
                            LOW 1.0721
                            CLOSED 1.0763

                            The third resistance (R3) 1.0774 -( 1.0753 - 1.0721 = 0.0032 x 2 = 0.0063 )= 1.0837
                            The second Resistance (R2) 1.0753 + 1.0774 - 1.0721 = 1.0806
                            First resistance (R1) 1.0753 x 2 = 2.1505 - 1.0721 = 1.0784
                            pivot points 1.0774 + 1.0721 + 1.0763 = 3.2258 / 3 = 1.0753
                            Support for the first (S1) 1.0753 x 2 = 2.1505 - 1.0774 = 1.0731
                            Support second (S2) 1.0753 -( 1.0774 - 1.0721 = 0.0053 ) = 1.0700
                            Third Support (S3) 1.0721 -( 1.0774 - 1.0753 = 0.0021 x 2 = 0.0043 )= 1.0678
                            • #344 Collapse

                              analysis for today 7 / 1 / 2014
                              AUD/NZD (Daily Trade)
                              I think the movement is still in a bullish trend
                              retracement (38.2%) 1.0754
                              Retracement (50%) 1.0748
                              retracement (61,8%) 1.0741

                              Extensions (61.8%) 1.0807
                              Extensions (100.0%) 1.0827
                              Extensions (138.2%) 1.0847
                              Extensions (161.8%) 1.0860
                              calculation based on a Fibonacci retracement then today I choose buy
                              • <a href="https://www.instaforex.org/ru/?x=ruforum">InstaForex</a>
                              • #345 Collapse

                                analysis for today 7 / 2 / 2014
                                Below is the formula to determine the pivot point, support and resistance.
                                Information candle AUDNZD on the date 7 / 1 / 2014
                                OPEN 1.0764
                                HIGH 1.0817
                                LOW 1.0739
                                CLOSED 1.0815

                                The third resistance (R3) 1.0817 -( 1.0790 - 1.0739 = 0.0051 x 2 = 0.0103 )= 1.0920
                                The second Resistance (R2) 1.0790 + 1.0817 - 1.0739 = 1.0868
                                First resistance (R1) 1.0790 x 2 = 2.1581 - 1.0739 = 1.0842
                                pivot points 1.0817 + 1.0739 + 1.0815 = 3.2371 / 3 = 1.0790
                                Support for the first (S1) 1.0790 x 2 = 2.1581 - 1.0817 = 1.0764
                                Support second (S2) 1.0790 -( 1.0817 - 1.0739 = 0.0078 ) = 1.0712
                                Third Support (S3) 1.0739 -( 1.0817 - 1.0790 = 0.0027 x 2 = 0.0053 )= 1.0686

                                اب آن لائن
