The graphic uses interface based easyminer mining software acts as a wrapper for both CG minor and BFG minor. These open-source software is designed to execute both solo and pooled mining. This Bitcoin mining software supports two types of protocols: stratum mining protocol and getwork mining protocol .stratum protocol is designed to support old mining and is a replacement for an updated that work Protocol in late 2012 . getwork protocol issues block to minors where in those -4 receive the blog header not aware of what data is in the block and they accept the transaction and transfer blindly to a pool operator and this Poll operator combines the has power of all minor to execute double spend attacks. final thoughts: thinking to get a software that matches your hardware? Air if you are unaware of mining either you mine on your own or we are part of pool. However, solo mining ngivd huge payout at regular intervals where in old mining gives small and frequent payout.. Thanks
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