Confusion exists about the risks involved in trading currencies. Much has been said about the interbank market being unregulated and therefore very risky due to a lack of oversight. This perception is not entirely true, though. A better approach to the discussion of risk would be to understand the differences between a decentralized market versus a centralized market and then determine where regulation would be appropriate.
The interbank market is made up of many banks trading with each other around the world. The banks themselves have to determine and accept sovereign risk and credit risk and for this they have much internal auditing processes to keep them as safe as possible. The regulations are industry-imposed for the sake and protection of each participating bank.
Since the market is made by each of the participating banks providing offers and bids for a particular currency, the market pricing mechanism is arrived at through supply and demand. Due to the huge flows within the system it is almost impossible for any one rogue trader to influence the price of a currency and indeed in today's high volume market, with between two and three trillion dollars being traded per day, even the central banks cannot move the market for any length of time without full coordination and cooperation of other central banks.
The interbank market is made up of many banks trading with each other around the world. The banks themselves have to determine and accept sovereign risk and credit risk and for this they have much internal auditing processes to keep them as safe as possible. The regulations are industry-imposed for the sake and protection of each participating bank.
Since the market is made by each of the participating banks providing offers and bids for a particular currency, the market pricing mechanism is arrived at through supply and demand. Due to the huge flows within the system it is almost impossible for any one rogue trader to influence the price of a currency and indeed in today's high volume market, with between two and three trillion dollars being traded per day, even the central banks cannot move the market for any length of time without full coordination and cooperation of other central banks.
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