?*Forex is available 24 hours a day and 5.5 days per week, compared with the morning trading hours for equity markets. Forex market can not be controlled by the major entities. The owners of wealth and major banks and fund managers who have a significant weight in the stock markets can make a tremendous effects on the movement of prices. But given the sheer size of the trades in the currency market and that flows on a daily basis, the market can never move it by "big hands" even central banks can not control the forex market. Forex displays 1 leverage: 200 compared with the stock market lever 1: 2 . - Forex is not friendly to any restrictions of short-selling, as opposed to "escalate" base that the stock market control - Forex can be traded anywhere around the world, even in the Irish Republican Army camps. Forex profits taxed at a rate of 60/40 favorite, regardless of which method you use Trade (daily or sung or central) Unlike tax penalties for carrying stock for short periods. lossy must be careful when entering the market and choose the appropriate timeThe leverage is one of the most dangerous things in the field of forex which is calculated by how much you will gain or lose from one point in the deal, a double-edged sword must be careful and good management of capital
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