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  • #931 Collapse

    actually getting as much returns as she deserves from the business. Michael Gerber in this book published in January 1995 demonstrates that for a business or a
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    • #932 Collapse

      company to be successful, they shouldn’t sell the products they make, they would just be fulfilling the emotional demands of the clients.
      ” The E Myth Revisited ” has been described as the perfect guide for small business
      • #933 Collapse

        technicians, entrepreneurs and managers, to show them how business can succeed when the businesses focuses only on what it is good at. For instance, he uses Southwes
        • #934 Collapse

          Airlines as a good example of a successful company, which, though it generates its income through the sale of tickets, it does not handle ticketing and instead focuses on
          • #935 Collapse

            quality travel services to clients. The book goes further to the economic systems and especially the workplace environment and how an average employee can get rid of
            • #936 Collapse

              Among the most intriguing arguments in his book is that in order for a business idea to work, you must have a ‘primary aim’ in life, not just business first, because without it even th
              • #937 Collapse

                entrepreneur can get consumed. The strategic objective will be what you want to become of the business to fulfill the requirements of the ‘primary aim’ in life. It also puts a lot of emphasis
                • #938 Collapse

                  in how to analyze an opportunity when it presents itself and using modern available tools to assess the profitability of a venture. This section is what makes this book one of the most educative and easily explained real estate reads suitable for novice and intermediate entrepreneurs.
                  • #939 Collapse

                    Of greater importance is that Michael Gerber, the author, delves into detail to bring out some of the least discussed business strategies and approaches including how to
                    • #940 Collapse

                      merge talent with the system, how to turn training into a game, measuring and estimating anything at the first glance and the importance of scripting everything
                      • #941 Collapse

                        in order to make achieve more predictable or consistent results in business. After all, the idea of a business is a secure and ever-growing income
                        Despite all the good things positive reviewers write about this book, quite a
                        • #942 Collapse

                          number of Amazon reviewers view it as an out-of-date manual written by a washed up entrepreneur now surviving by writing, lecturing and making inspiration CDs. It depends on what kind
                          • #943 Collapse

                            of entrepreneur you are, if you believe there is always something positive out of any publication, then you should consider reading this book before you enter the real estate market
                            • #944 Collapse

                              Although ‘Competitive Strategy’ was published back in 1980, this is still the best book for people seeking specific knowledge on how to assess companies or industries, evaluating risk by assessing those factors affecting the
                              • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
                              • #945 Collapse

                                business environment and a study of the key factors that influence an investment. Michael Porter, a Harvard Business School professor, in this book focuses on two elements that he says

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