Forex Talking in English

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  • #316 Collapse

    O'Keefe describes his approach to trading and reveals his bargain hunting trading style, which is designed to capitalize on market trends. Throughout the book, O'Keefe pays a great deal of attention to trading
    • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
    • #317 Collapse

      psychology, learning to read price instead of indicators, and emphasizes that aspiring traders must find a strategy they are comfortable with and can implement with confidence.
      • #318 Collapse

        Addresses how you can successfully trade around the demands of your job and personal life
        Reveals the author's "bargain hunting" style which can be used to reduce risk and maximize profit
        • #319 Collapse

          Discusses how common trade management techniques may impact overall performance Provides insights into structuring trading to minimize stress
          • #320 Collapse

            Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Making Money in Forex utilizes a conservative approach to trading that will help you build your trading competency over time.
            • #321 Collapse

              Currency overlay is the management of the currency exposure inherent in cross-border institutional investments. Exposure to foreign currencies increases the volatility of their returns, without increasing the
              • #322 Collapse

                returns themselves and academics and consultants recommended that the currency exposure should be stripped out of international portfolios and eliminated as far as practicable.
                • #323 Collapse

                  This book provides a comprehensive description of currency overlay, its history and possible future developments and growth, the reason for its emergence, the debates and controversies, the different styles
                  • #324 Collapse

                    of currency management, and the industry's performance track record.
                    This is a subject of international appeal and is an area of particular growth potential for institutional investors. Coverage includes:
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                      The theoretical case for eliminating currency risk in international portfolios
                      The interplay between asset returns and currency returns, and the effect of this on hedging decisions
                      Benchmarks - their construction and strategic role
                      Least-cost passive overlay
                      • #326 Collapse

                        Active overlay styles
                        Active overlay both restricted and unrestricted (currency alpha)
                        Uses diagrams, charts, tables and explanatory boxes to explain concepts
                        • #327 Collapse

                          Forex on Five Hours a Week: How to Make Money Trading on Your Own Time

                          Raghee Horner, Jeffrey Alan Brandzel (Editor)
                          ISBN: 978-0-470-43643-1
                          208 pages
                          January 2010
                          Forex on Five Hours a Week: How to Make Money Trading on Your Own Time (0470436433) cover image
                          Read an Excerpt

                          A top forex trader reveals how to ease into this market and excel
                          • #328 Collapse

                            Trading the forex market has become one of the most popular forms of trading, mainly because of its twenty-four-hour access and the fact that there is always
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                              a bull market available in this arena. But not everyone is interested in quitting their jobs and spending all day trying to make a living trading. That's where Forex in Five Hours a Week comes in.
                              • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
                              • #330 Collapse

                                This book shows readers how they can master a few techniques, focus their efforts on their choice of time frame, and profit in the forex market. Readers with a day job and little time to dedicate to the market will learn all they need to know to capture consistent profits

                                اب آن لائن
