Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

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  • #1 Collapse

    Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

    Pending orders ko agar use kia jaye to trading ka result positive mil sakta hai, pending orders use karny ki learning demo account me karni chaye es se traders ko andaza ho ga key pending orders me be ham profitable trades open kar sakty hai, best pending orders place karny key ley ham compete market ki information aur news update honi chaye. Pending order may hum buy limit sell limit stop limit profit limit ko ko use karty hain ager market humre pending order ki price tak gai tu Phir humra order execute ho jiye ga warna warna apka order expire ho jiye hai.Pending order ko lagne ki bhi bohat si techniques hain jis ko samjna bohat zarori hai market ki up and down ko dikhty hoe pending order laga jata hai.

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    Pending Order:

    Dear Forex member market order sy Murad hai ki market mein hamari current price jo k hamari trading market main chal rahi ho aur ham use time per apne pairs ko buy ya sell karenge market order kehlata hai. hamari market mein jo rates chal rahe hote hain usko uor trading karna market order kehlata hai. Jub market mai pending orders ki to ais mai hum jab analysis karty hai to ais mai hum ko kai dafa entry ni mil rahe hoti to hum ais mai pending orders laga lety hai ta k jab market aus point par ponchy to waha se humra order autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai k humri trade ka stop loss kam hota hai aor ais mai take profit zayda hota hai ais mai aik to agar market trend mai chaly to humra order autha leti hai agar market trend mai na jaye to humri trade ni lagti jis se hum loss se bach jaty hai ais market mai hum jab trade lagaty hai aor sath stop loss use ni karty to aus mai hum pending orders laga lety hai ta k market humry opposite jaye to aus mai humra pending order autha leti hai to humara loss mazeed nahe hota hai is ley order ka use keya jata hai.
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Size:	5.5 کلوبائٹ
ID:	12593156

  • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
  • #2 Collapse

    Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

    There are some basic order types that all brokers provide and some others that sound weird.
    Orders fall into two buckets:
    1. Market order: an order instantly executed against a price that your broker has provided.
    2. Pending order: an order to be executed at a later time at the price you specify.

    Here’s a quick “map” of the different types of orders within each bucket.
    Market Orders Pending Orders
    Buy Limit
    Buy Stop
    Sell Limit
    Sell Stop

    Market Order

    A market order is an order to buy or sell at the best available price.
    For example, the bid price for EUR/USD is currently at 1.2140 and the ask price is at 1.2142.
    If you wanted to buy EUR/USD at market, then it would be sold to you at the price of 1.2142.

    You would click buy and your trading platform would instantly execute a buy order at that (hopefully) exact price.

    If you ever shop on, it’s kinda like using their 1-Click ordering. You like the current price, you click once and it’s yours!

    The only difference is you are buying or selling one currency against another currency instead of buying a Justin Bieber CD.

    Please keep in mind that depending on market conditions, there may be a difference between the price you selected and the final price that is executed (or “filled”) on your trading platform.The only difference is you are buying or selling one currency against another currency instead of buying a Justin Bieber CD.

    Please keep in mind that depending on market conditions, there may be a difference between the price you selected and the final price that is executed (or “filled”) on your trading platform.
    • #3 Collapse

      Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..


      Pending orders ko agar use kia jaye to buying and selling ka end result high-quality mil sakta hai, pending orders use karny ki getting to know demo account me karni chaye es se merchants ko andaza ho ga key pending orders me be ham worthwhile trades open kar sakty hai, satisfactory pending orders location karny key ley ham compete market ki facts aur information replace honi chaye. Pending order might also hum purchase restrict promote restriction quit restrict income restrict ko ko use karty hain ager market humre pending order ki rate tak gai tu Phir humra order execute ho jiye ga warna warna apka order expire ho jiye hai.Pending order ko lagne ki bhi bohat si methods hain jis ko samjna bohat zarori hai market ki up and down ko dikhty hoe pending order laga jata hai.

      Pending Order:

      Dear Forex member market order sy Murad hai ki market mein hamari modern-day charge jo okay hamari buying and selling market major chal rahi ho aur ham use time per apne pairs ko purchase ya promote karenge market order kehlata hai. hamari market mein jo prices chal rahe hote hain usko uor buying and selling karna market order kehlata hai. Jub market mai pending orders ki to ais mai hum jab evaluation karty hai to ais mai hum ko kai dafa entry ni mil rahe hoti to hum ais mai pending orders laga lety hai ta ok jab market aus factor par ponchy to waha se humra order autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai ok humri exchange ka give up loss kam hota hai aor ais mai take earnings zayda hota hai ais mai aik to agar market fashion mai chaly to humra order autha leti hai agar market style mai na jaye to humri change ni lagti jis se hum loss se bach jaty hai ais market mai hum jab exchange lagaty hai aor sath cease loss use ni karty to aus mai hum pending orders laga lety hai ta okay market humry contrary jaye to aus mai humra pending order autha leti hai to humara loss mazeed nahe hota hai is ley order ka use keya jata hai.
      • #4 Collapse

        Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

        A pending order in he forign exchange or forex market instruction your broke to automatically buy or sell a currency when market reaches a certain price in the future this type of order differs from a market order which instructs your broke to immediately buy or sell at the current price
        • #5 Collapse

          Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

          Different stages of order in forex:

          request sy Murad hai ki market mein hamari current cost jo k hamari exchanging market primary chal rahi ho aur ham use time per apne matches ko purchase ya sell karenge market request kehlata hai. hamari market mein jo rates chal rahe hote hain usko uor exchanging karna market request kehlata hai. Jub market mai forthcoming orders ki to ais mai murmur punch investigation karty hai to ais mai murmur ko kai dafa passage ni mil rahe hoti to murmur ais mai forthcoming orders laga lety hai ta k poke market aus point standard ponchy to waha se humra request autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai k humri exchange ka stop misfortune kam hota hai aor ais mai take benefit zayda hota hai ais mai aik to agar market pattern mai chaly to humra request autha leti hai agar market pattern mai na jaye to humri exchange ni lagti jis se murmur misfortune se bach jaty hai ais market mai murmur hit exchange lagaty hai aor sath stop misfortune use ni karty to aus mai murmur forthcoming orders laga lety hai ta k market humry inverse jaye.

          Many involment and order management:
          to aus mai humra forthcoming request autha leti hai to humara misfortune mazeed nahe hota hai is ley request ka use keya jata hai. trading ka outcome excellent mil sakta hai, forthcoming orders use karny ki getting to realize demo account me karni chaye es se shippers ko andaza ho ga key forthcoming orders me be ham advantageous exchanges open kar sakty hai, good forthcoming orders area karny key ley ham contend market ki realities aur data supplant honi chaye. Forthcoming request could likewise murmur buy limit advance limitation quit confine pay confine ko use karty hain ager market humre forthcoming request ki rate tak gai tu Phir humra request execute ho jiye ga warna apka request terminate ho jiye hai.Pending request ko lagne ki bhi bohat si strategies hain jis ko samjna bohat zarori hai market ki all over ko dikhty cultivator forthcoming request laga jata hai.
          Uses of different type of order present:

          Forthcoming orders ko agar use kia jaye to exchanging ka result positive mil sakta hai, forthcoming orders use karny ki learning demo account me karni chaye es se dealers ko andaza ho ga key forthcoming orders me be ham productive exchanges open kar sakty hai, best forthcoming orders place karny key ley ham contend market ki data aur news update honi chaye. Forthcoming request might murmur purchase limit sell limit stop limit benefit limit ko use karty hain ager market humre forthcoming request ki cost tak gai tu Phir humra request execute ho jiye ga warna apka request terminate ho jiye hai.Pending request ko lagne ki bhi bohat si procedures hain jis ko samjna bohat zarori hai market ki all over ko dikhty digger forthcoming request laga jata hai.
          • #6 Collapse

            Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

            Various phases of request in forex:

            demand sy Murad hai ki market mein hamari current expense jo k hamari trading market essential chal rahi ho aur ham use time per apne matches ko buy ya sell karenge market demand kehlata hai. hamari market mein jo rates chal rahe hote hain usko uor trading karna market demand kehlata hai. Jub market mai impending requests ki to ais mai mumble punch examination karty hai to ais mai mumble ko kai dafa entry ni mil rahe hoti to mumble ais mai approaching requests laga lety hai ta k jab market aus point standard ponchy to waha se humra demand autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai k humri trade ka stop incident kam hota hai aor ais mai take benefit zayda hota hai ais mai aik to agar market design mai chaly to humra demand autha leti hai agar market design mai na jaye to humri trade ni lagti jis se mumble hardship se bach jaty hai ais market mai mumble hit trade lagaty hai aor sath stop mishap use ni karty to aus mai mumble approaching requests laga lety hai ta k market humry opposite jaye.

            Forthcoming Request:

            Dear Forex part market request sy Murad hai ki market mein hamari advanced charge jo alright hamari trading market major chal rahi ho aur ham use time per apne matches ko buy ya advance karenge market request kehlata hai. hamari market mein jo costs chal rahe hote hain usko uor trading karna market request kehlata hai. Jub market mai forthcoming orders ki to ais mai murmur hit assessment karty hai to ais mai murmur ko kai dafa passage ni mil rahe hoti to murmur ais mai forthcoming orders laga lety hai ta alright poke market aus factor standard ponchy to waha se humra request autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai alright humri trade ka surrender misfortune kam hota hai aor ais mai take profit zayda hota hai ais mai aik to agar market design mai chaly to humra request autha leti hai agar market style mai na jaye to humri change ni lagti jis se murmur misfortune se bach jaty hai ais market mai murmur punch trade lagaty hai aor sath stop misfortune use ni karty to aus mai murmur forthcoming orders laga lety hai ta OK market humry opposite jaye to aus mai humra forthcoming request autha leti hai to humara misfortune mazeed nahe hota hai is ley request ka use keya jata hai.
            • #7 Collapse

              Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

              introdution of buy & sell limit:
              Pending orders ko agar use kia jaye to trading ka result positive mil sakta hai, best pending orders place karny key ley ham compete market ki information aur news update honi chaye. Pending orders use karny ki learning demo account me karni chaye es se traders ko andaza ho ga key pending orders me be ham profitable trades open kar sakty ha A market with active pending orders may include buy, sell, stop, and profit limits that can be used. When such limits are reached, the market's price will change. When these limits are reached, the order will expire. Jis ko samjna bohat zarori hai, pending order ko lagne ki bhi bohat si methods hain

              Contingent Order:
              Hello, market order sy members of Forex Apne pairs ko purchase ya promote karenge market order kehlata hai, murad hai ki market mein hamari modern charge jo okay hamari purchasing and selling market major chal rahi ho. Usko or buying and selling karna market order kehlata hai, hamari market mein jo prices chal rahe hote hain. Jab market aus factor par ponchy to waha se humra order autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai. Jub market mai pending orders ki to ais mai hum jab evaluation karty hai to ais mai hum ko kai dafa entry ni mil rahe hoti to hum ais mai pending orders laga lety hai.Okay market humry contrary jaye to aus mai humra pending order autha leti hai to humara loss mazeed ni. agar market fashion mai chaly to humra order autha leti hai agar market style mai na jaye to humri change ni lagti jis se hum loss se bach jaty hai ais market mai hum jab exchange lagaty

              a lot of involvement and order handling:
              Ley request ka use keya jata hai, humra upcoming request autha leti hai to humra misfortune mazeed nahe hota hai. Future orders use karny ki learning to realise demo account me karni chaye es se shippers ko andaza ho ga key future orders me be ham advantageous exchanges open kar sakty hai, good future orders area karny key ley ham contend market ki realities aur data supplant honi chaye. Trading ka outcome excellent mil sakta hai. Future requests may also hint at a buy restriction or advance limitation. Quit confinement pay confinement ko use karty hain market humre upcoming request ki rate tak gai tu Phir humra request execute ho jiye ga warna apka request terminate ho jiye hai.
              • #8 Collapse

                Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

                Forthcoming request kuy istamal karty hai
                Clarification for requestForthcoming orders ko agar use kia jaye to exchanging ka result positive mil sakta hai, forthcoming orders use karny ki learning demo account me karni chaye es se dealers ko andaza ho ga key forthcoming orders me be ham productive exchanges open kar sakty hai, best forthcoming orders place karny key ley ham contend market ki data aur news update honi chaye. Forthcoming request might murmur purchase limit sell limit stop limit benefit limit ko use karty hain ager market humre forthcoming request ki cost tak gai tu Phir humra request execute ho jiye ga warna apka request lapse ho jiye hai.Pending request ko lagne ki bhi bohat si methods hain jis ko samjna bohat zarori hai market ki all over ko dikhty digger forthcoming request laga jata hai.Forthcoming Requestfor pendingDear Forex part market request sy Murad hai ki market mein hamari current cost jo k hamari exchanging market primary chal rahi ho aur ham use time per apne matches ko purchase ya sell karenge market request kehlata hai. hamari market mein jo rates chal rahe hote hain usko uor exchanging karna market request kehlata hai. Jub market mai forthcoming orders ki to ais mai murmur poke investigation karty hai to ais mai murmur ko kai dafa passage ni mil rahe hoti to murmur ais mai forthcoming orders laga lety hai ta k hit market aus point standard ponchy to waha se humra request autha ley ais mai ye faida hota hai k humri exchange ka stop misfortune kam hota hai aor ais mai take benefit zayda hota hai ais mai aik to agar market pattern mai chaly to humra request autha leti hai agar market pattern mai na jaye to humri exchange ni lagti jis se murmur misfortune se bach jaty hai ais market mai murmur hit exchange lagaty hai aor sath stop misfortune use ni karty to aus mai murmur forthcoming orders laga lety hai ta k market humry inverse jaye to aus mai humra forthcoming request autha leti hai to humara misfortune mazeed nahe hota hai is ley request ka use keya jata hai.
                • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
                • #9 Collapse

                  Re: Pending order kuy istamal karty hai..

                  ine candlestick pattern main jab creat hoti hai tou ayse main market ka reverse trend confirm hota hai ky jab market continuously aik trend ko follow karty huy movement karti hai aur aik bari candle creat hony ky badh market main next candle gap ky sath open ho ker reverse direction main movement karty huy previous candle ki closing position ky sath hi close ho jati hai tou aesy main jo pattern creat hota hai woh counterattack line candlestick pattern hota hai ky agar market kisi aik direction main bari movement ker chuki hai tou phir usi hisab sy reverse direction main bhi movement continue ker leti hai ky yeh trend reversal ki clear confirmation hoti hai jis ko follow karty huy hame reverse direction main trade open ker ky bohot achi earning ker sakty hain.

                  Bearish and Bullish Counterattack line candlestick pattern:

                  Dear forex members jab ap counterattack market candlestick pattern Ki Baat Karte Hain To ismein apko yeh candlestick just do candlestick ki formation per Milta hai aur is candlestick ko properly learn karne ke liye ap isko major to pass mein divide kar sakte hain jo ki bearish counterattack market pattern aur bullish counterattack candlestick pattern ho sakte hain.
                  Bearish Counterattack Patterns.
                  Bullish Counterattack Patterns.

                  Explanation of Counterattack line candlestick pattern:

                  Dear sisters and brothers Counterattack line candlesticks pattern bi ek bohot ehm indicators hy jis se hame market ki movement show hoti hy aur ham thek tareky se andaza kar lety hain ke currency pair ko buy karna hy ya sell karna hy , is kaliy ek to hamen bohot zyada mehnat karna pary ge takeh ham is tool aur is indicators ko achy tareky se samaja saken .isko samajna bht mushkil hy yeh ek tarah ka technical analysis hota hy jo keh bht ziada complex hota hy . is se professional traders bi andaza laga lety hain market buy ki traf j arhe hy ya market sell ki traf ja rhe hy . is lye hamen chahye keh aagar ham isko thek tarah se samkjen gy to is se ham apni trade ko secure kar saken gy ,is trah ke indicators me market trend reverse bu show ho sakta hy aur forward bi show ho sakta hy . jb bi market me up gtred shro hota hy aur ek line close ho jati hy to dosri line ek gap ke sath open hoti hy .yeh gap kuch is tarah se banta hy keh bearish candle aur ballish candle ek dosry ke sath ek he point py a kar mil jaty hain .jaisy he yeh ek pooint py a kar milty hain to usi time me jo trend hamen dehkny ko milta hy us me silling traders bohot zyada hoty hain kyu ke is time dosri candles ek he point py mili hoti hy . aur yeh bohot yakini baat hy keh market apni trend selling me e lay kar ja raha hota hy . aur agar dono candlestick ek dosry se ek point py ni milty to is sorat me trend buying ka e show hota hy aur market buy currency pair ki taraf he jati hy.

                  اب آن لائن
