Forex indicators are one way of examining market data. By examining historical data, such as currency price, volume and market performance, indicators seek to predict how the market will behave in the future and which patterns are likely to be repeated
What are the types of forex indicators?
Indicator No. 1: A Trend-Following Tool.
Indicator No. 2: A Trend-Confirmation Tool.
Indicator No. 3: An Overbought/Oversold Tool.
Indicator No. 4: A Profit-Taking Tool.
The Bottom Line.
Best Indicator
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
It is known to be the most commonly used forex indicator and showcases an oversold or overbought condition in the market that is temporary. The RSI value of more than 70 shows an overbought market, while a value lower than 30 shows an oversold market
What are the types of forex indicators?
Indicator No. 1: A Trend-Following Tool.
Indicator No. 2: A Trend-Confirmation Tool.
Indicator No. 3: An Overbought/Oversold Tool.
Indicator No. 4: A Profit-Taking Tool.
The Bottom Line.
Best Indicator
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
It is known to be the most commonly used forex indicator and showcases an oversold or overbought condition in the market that is temporary. The RSI value of more than 70 shows an overbought market, while a value lower than 30 shows an oversold market
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