Ultimate oscillator ik technical indicator hai jis ko 1976 ma larry willium ny develop kiya. Ye oscillator mutilple time frame ma price momentum ko measure karta hai. Three different timeframe ki weighted average ko use karny sy es indicator ki less volatility hoti hai or other oscillator kay mukablay ma ye less signal mohaya karta hai jo single time frame ko use karty hain. Divergence ko use kar kay buy or sell signal ko use kiya jata hai. Ultimate indicate other indicator ki nisbatan kam divergence signal ko generate karta hai kiu kay ye multiple time frame ko use karta hai.

Some important elements of ultimate oscillator.
Ye indicator three timeframes ko use karta hai calculation ma jis ma 7, 14 or 28 periods shamil hain. En period ma shortest time frame ka calculation ma bhot zayada weight hota hai or longer timeframe ka calculation ma least weight hota hai. Buy signal tb occur karta hai jb bullish divergence hoti hai. Es time par divergence indicator ki 30 value sy below hota hai. Es kay bad oscillator divergence sy higher rise hota hai. Same es he tarha sell signal tb create hota hai jb bearish divergence hoti hai. Es time par divergence indicator ki value 30 sy above hoti hai. Eskay bad oscillator divergence sy lower fall kar jata hai.

Calculation of the ultimate oscillator.
Ultimate oscillator rangebound indicator hai jis ki value zero sy 100 kay bech ma fluctuate karti rehti hai. Ye relative strength index ki tarha 30 sy below ho to oversold state ko show karti hai or agr 70 sy high ho to ye overbought state ko show karta hai. Trading signal es time par generate hoty hain jb price indicator kay opposite move karti hai. Secondly, es indicator ki value three step value par depend karti hai. William ny mutiple time frame ko use kar kay ultimate indicator ko develop kiya ta kay wo es indicator ki movement ko smooth kar saky. Es tarha wo trader ko zayada reliable signal farham karta hai or false signal ko kam sy kam produce karta hai.

Difference between ultimate and stochastic oscillator.
Ultimate oscilator ma three time frames use kaye jaty hain jb kay stochastick oscillator ma serf ik time period use hota hai. Stochastick oscillator ma single line use hoti hai jb kay ultimate oscillator ma esa ni hota. But en both ma ik chez common hai kay ye both divergence ko use kar kay signal provide karty hain. Both kay signal different hoty hain kiu kay enki calculation different hoti hai. Kiu kay ye oscillator three step method ko use karta hai es laye ye poor trades ko filter karny kay sath sath good trades ko bi eliminate kar deta hai. Har reversal point par divergence ni hoti or reversal es time par occur ni karty jb market overbought ya oversold state ma hoti hai. So trader ko es oscillator ko alone use ni karna chahe. Other technical tools ko es laye use kiya jata hai kay bad signals ko eliminate kiya jaye. Main technical tool ma price action shamil hai.
Ultimate oscillator ik technical indicator hai jis ko 1976 ma larry willium ny develop kiya. Ye oscillator mutilple time frame ma price momentum ko measure karta hai. Three different timeframe ki weighted average ko use karny sy es indicator ki less volatility hoti hai or other oscillator kay mukablay ma ye less signal mohaya karta hai jo single time frame ko use karty hain. Divergence ko use kar kay buy or sell signal ko use kiya jata hai. Ultimate indicate other indicator ki nisbatan kam divergence signal ko generate karta hai kiu kay ye multiple time frame ko use karta hai.
Some important elements of ultimate oscillator.
Ye indicator three timeframes ko use karta hai calculation ma jis ma 7, 14 or 28 periods shamil hain. En period ma shortest time frame ka calculation ma bhot zayada weight hota hai or longer timeframe ka calculation ma least weight hota hai. Buy signal tb occur karta hai jb bullish divergence hoti hai. Es time par divergence indicator ki 30 value sy below hota hai. Es kay bad oscillator divergence sy higher rise hota hai. Same es he tarha sell signal tb create hota hai jb bearish divergence hoti hai. Es time par divergence indicator ki value 30 sy above hoti hai. Eskay bad oscillator divergence sy lower fall kar jata hai.
Calculation of the ultimate oscillator.
Ultimate oscillator rangebound indicator hai jis ki value zero sy 100 kay bech ma fluctuate karti rehti hai. Ye relative strength index ki tarha 30 sy below ho to oversold state ko show karti hai or agr 70 sy high ho to ye overbought state ko show karta hai. Trading signal es time par generate hoty hain jb price indicator kay opposite move karti hai. Secondly, es indicator ki value three step value par depend karti hai. William ny mutiple time frame ko use kar kay ultimate indicator ko develop kiya ta kay wo es indicator ki movement ko smooth kar saky. Es tarha wo trader ko zayada reliable signal farham karta hai or false signal ko kam sy kam produce karta hai.
Difference between ultimate and stochastic oscillator.
Ultimate oscilator ma three time frames use kaye jaty hain jb kay stochastick oscillator ma serf ik time period use hota hai. Stochastick oscillator ma single line use hoti hai jb kay ultimate oscillator ma esa ni hota. But en both ma ik chez common hai kay ye both divergence ko use kar kay signal provide karty hain. Both kay signal different hoty hain kiu kay enki calculation different hoti hai. Kiu kay ye oscillator three step method ko use karta hai es laye ye poor trades ko filter karny kay sath sath good trades ko bi eliminate kar deta hai. Har reversal point par divergence ni hoti or reversal es time par occur ni karty jb market overbought ya oversold state ma hoti hai. So trader ko es oscillator ko alone use ni karna chahe. Other technical tools ko es laye use kiya jata hai kay bad signals ko eliminate kiya jaye. Main technical tool ma price action shamil hai.
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