The forex market includes an number of currency pairs that is two currencies paired along with one another at market you are able to trade up to 65 currency pairs, the euro USD, GBP USD, the AUD USD, and the usdjpy by R consider major France appears not major markets are includes the US dollar. Major currency pairs are the most actively traded markets with the euro USD taking the Lion's share of volume. The base currency is the initial currency which always represents a value of 1 unit. The euro GBP to AUD and USD are the basic currencies. The counter currency is the second currency the US dollar and Japanese yen the counter currency amount is the quantity of currency it takes two equal one unit of the base currency. E minor currency pairs, the GBP , Euro AUD and GBP JPY bhai on the other hand captured a smaller market share. Currency pairs not associated with the US dollar are referred to as minor currencies where as exotic currency pairs include Frances associated with emerging markets. the exchange rate: an exchange rate is the value at which one countries currency can be exchanged for another when traders engaged with the FX market from a speculative standpoint a view or base is taken either in the form of a long position or a short position. Show the euro USD trading at a price of 1.07 9 advanced 21.09 this indicates the your advance against its us counterpart increased in value those long the market will not a profit while those short will be at a loss. Are decline to 1.07, on the other hand translates to loss for traders long the currency pair and again for those short. An important point to remember when executing A trade in the foreign exchange market is is: 1) buying is a currency pair in was buying the base currency by selling the quote currency.2) selling a currency pair involves selling the best currency by buying the quad currency. technical jargon: entering the world of foreign exchange trading is half an a a counting process overloaded with a plateau of Technical jargon. technical and fundamental analysis: are technical analysis typically helps define man to trade assume you recognise the underlying fundamental are pointing to a rally in the British pound us the US dollar through the technical picture trades at the underside of strong resistance this sugar just buying the market is hardest at this point was the resistance is taken out by trade code taken be taken as now both technical and fundamental studies trend in unison. In in fundamental analysis help answer the question why a market is moving in a particular direction for example is the currency pair railing due to the Federal Reserve expected to hike rate market to move help in down market Direction. Thanks