You can get a Free MasterCard to make and receive payments online. No need of applying to any Bank. You will get a Free MasterCard from America mailed to your address in 20 to 25 days. You should register yourself in a website i cannot give here because you are not allowed to give links here so check my ishtihiraat post. Wahan link ho gaa. So go to that site and register for free card. Give correct details of your address and contact. Then check your email and it will ask you to apply for Us Payment service so you answer two simple questions and done. You should also upload ID card there at same time or you can do that later on. That is it you are done. Enjoy sending and receiving money on paypal skrill ya kisi bhi jagha say. Mazeed malomaat kay liyaa mes004 at hotmail dot com per rabta karein.
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