Technical analysis attempts to forecast future price movements by examining past market data.
Most traders use technical analysis to get a "big picture" on an investment's price history. Even fundamental traders will glance at a chart to see if they're buying at a fair price, selling at a cyclical top or entering a choppy, sideways market. there are many who use technical analysis to their decisions in trading. because the study of technical analysis is easier than on fundamental analysis, technical analysis but also has a very good portion for us in the face of the market. that's why most traders would prefer to learn and use technical analysis.
Most traders use technical analysis to get a "big picture" on an investment's price history. Even fundamental traders will glance at a chart to see if they're buying at a fair price, selling at a cyclical top or entering a choppy, sideways market. there are many who use technical analysis to their decisions in trading. because the study of technical analysis is easier than on fundamental analysis, technical analysis but also has a very good portion for us in the face of the market. that's why most traders would prefer to learn and use technical analysis.
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