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  • #31 Collapse

    optimization. Initial value of the variable, step of change, and final value are written in this field. At
    optimization, expert with parameters within the range between initial and final values will be passed
    consecutively. Checking from the right of the variable names allows including the parameter into
    optimization process. If a variable has not been checked, it will not participate in optimization. Its value
    • <a href="https://www.instaforex.org/ru/?x=ruforum">InstaForex</a>
    • #32 Collapse

      • #33 Collapse

        optimization time can rapidly increase.
        Optimization: This tab allows to manage optimization limits. If the real values meet those required in
        this tab, the current pass will be stopped and the next pass will start. Parameters limiting testing at
        optimization of the expert are:
         Balance minimum — minimum balance value in the deposit currency;
         Profit maximum — maximal profit in the deposit currency;
        • #34 Collapse

          • #35 Collapse

            MT4 User Guide
            Strategy Tester Window - Results Tab (Detailed)
            Users can view test results by selecting the “results tab” within the tester window. All information is
            listed in table form. The following headings form the result values:
            #: the sequence number of the trade;
            Time: Time of the trade;
            Type: The type of trade performed (sell, buy, s/l, t/p, modify, close at stop, etc.);
            Order: The ticket number of a trading position or a pending order
            Lots: The amount of lots traded;
            • #36 Collapse

              • #37 Collapse

                • #38 Collapse

                  MT4 User Guide
                  Report Tab
                  The summarized results of experts testing and some key indices are represented in the "Report" tab.
                  Such reports allow comparing different experts to each other in a quick mode. The following data is
                  published in reports:
                  Bars in test: The amount of modeled history data in bars;
                  Ticks modeled: The amount of modeled ticks;
                  Modeling quality: the quality of ticks modeled during testing in per cents. Modeling is schematically
                  • #39 Collapse

                    displayed as a band in the next line of the report. This band can be of one of three colors:
                     Gray: This part of the data available was not tested. Grey appears, if the range
                    of dates was given in tester settings;
                     Red: Modeling was not performed within this sub range since no data of a
                    smaller period was available. Only data from the period selected in the tester
                    settings was used;
                     Green: Modeling was performed within this sub range. The brighter the color is
                    the better in quality the modeling was. For example, when testing at the period
                    of H1, the dark-green band can mean that M30-period data was used for
                    testing, and the brightest means that those of M1 period were used;
                    Initial deposit: The volume of the initial deposit;
                    • #40 Collapse

                      Total net profit: Financial result of all trades. This index represents a difference between the "Gross
                      profit" and "Gross loss";
                      Gross profit: The sum of all profitable trades;
                      Gross loss: The sum of all unprofitable trades;
                      Profit factor: The ratio between gross profit and gross loss in percent.
                      Expected payoff: This statistically calculated index represents the average profit/loss factor of a trade. It
                      can also be considered for representing the expected profit/loss factor of the next trade;
                      Absolute drawdown: The lowest amount away from the initial deposit value during the testing period;
                      • #41 Collapse

                        Maximal drawdown (%): Maximum difference in percent terms between highest point above initial
                        deposit and lowest point below initial deposit;
                        Total trades: The total amount of trades;
                        Short positions (won %): The amount of short positions;
                        Long positions (won %): The amount of long positions;
                        Profit trades (% of total): The amount of profitable trade positions and their percentage in the total
                        • #42 Collapse

                          • #43 Collapse

                            • #44 Collapse

                              • <a href="https://www.instaforex.org/ru/?x=ruforum">InstaForex</a>
                              • #45 Collapse

                                passes using suitable parameters where profitability is at its highest. To enable optimization, users must
                                flag the “Optimization” field in the “Settings” tab. Once “Start” is selected the “Optimization Results”
                                and “Optimization Graph” tabs will appear.
                                The result published in the tab reports each pass. All data is represented in table format with the
                                following fields:
                                Pass: The pass number (number of times tested);
                                Profit: Net profit (gross profit minus gross loss);
                                Total trades: The total amount of open trade positions;
                                Profit factor: The ratio between total profit and total loss in per cents. One means that total profit is
                                equal to total loss;

                                اب آن لائن
