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آخری سرگرمی: 24-11-2014, 09:45 PM
شامل ہو گئے: 05-09-2014
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  • yes my dera thisis the good yo any one to do this job m y de this is the raly yo do thsi work . i i hve no full inforuao aohu theri try to do thsi work...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • fxzee3
    جواب دیا New Traders WIN WIN Situation.
    my dear if ayn one have no full inforual about this palt forum then thei sith msot imrpaonty yo you that ytou le3n thsi with tghej fo the of the of the...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • fxzee3
    جواب دیا ager ap trader na hotey to kia hote ?????
    my der this is the vey inttesting qurion the my work is ony the paryt time and not uteh full time . then dnew itm i spend o aifan the skill to ry yto...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • fxzee3
    جواب دیا risk management in forex trading
    yes my dera this is e most improant oy kneo that risk management is the msot improan yo any oen try to do thsi problem and notin any ithd . this wi rhtht...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • fxzee3
    جواب دیا important baat
    my dear this is the good to you that if you wnt to learn and elarn this thie si the msot improant yo you to lenar tins eiththe hel fp to the doemoacount...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • my dear this is the treu that the risk factor involve int hsi field so t5ry tyo do thsi wir as you can thsi is the msot improant you you that if you hve...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • my dear if you hveve no full information abotu the forex tradint then you ti sht msot improant oyu you to elanr this wihtt he ejlpf the forma demoa count...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • my dear thsi may be possibel to hven o yn information and the know len and yuse the rebot this si the msot costy tro dothe work accournt it he rebot this...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • my dear i hvave no full infruaom aobut thsi that wht is the top stargt yo o thsi wo i am the neow in an he no full infotualy aobut thei sotu yotu wint...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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  • my dear thire is no need to get the specific knwo lengf to do thei work ont ei fore if you wnat to do the worj riwe fotrh psoting the you hve nto learn...
    مزید دیکھیں | مراسلہ پر جائیں

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