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  • #376 Collapse

    uncertainties you face in trading—the pursuit of rewards in the face of risks—are just as present in careers and relationships as in markets. The Daily Trading Coach provides a road map, and a practical set of insights and tools, for discovering and implementing the best within you.
    • <a href="">InstaForex</a>
    • #377 Collapse

      Brett N. Steenbarger, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. An active trader
      • #378 Collapse

        and author of the popular TraderFeed blog, Steenbarger coaches traders in hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, and investment bank settings. He is also the
        • #379 Collapse

          author of the Wiley titles Enhancing Trader Performance and The Psychology of Trading. Steenbarger received a BS from Duke University and a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Kansas.
          • #380 Collapse

            Brett N. Steenbarger, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. An active trader and author of the popular
            • #381 Collapse

              TraderFeed blog, Steenbarger coaches traders in hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, and investment bank settings. He is also the author of the Wiley titles Enhancing
              • #382 Collapse

                Trader Performance and The Psychology of Trading. Steenbarger received a BS from Duke University and a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Kansas.
                • #383 Collapse

                  The Daily Trading Coach: 101 Lessons for Becoming Your Own Trading Psychologist (Wiley Trading)This is my first review, and with excellent reason -- Dr. Steenbarger's latest book is his best yet!
                  • #384 Collapse

                    Wall Street is the only place on earth where an expert and a novice have a 50-50 chance of winning. This is the human fascination with speculation.Dr.
                    • #385 Collapse

                      previous books, The Daily Trading Coach provides little jewels to improve your viewpoint from amateur trader to professional trader.Compared to Van Tharp's books, Dr. Steenbarger takes an entirely different approach. Where Van Tharp focues on
                      • #386 Collapse

                        Position Sizing and Positive Expectancy systems, Dr. Steenbarger focuses on proper self-monitoring and self-coaching tips to improve performance over the daily uncertainty of Wall Street.
                        • #387 Collapse

                          Combining Van Tharp & Brett Steenbarger's lessons, below are some commonly misunderstood facts of financial speculation:1) It's not by making large profits that money is made over time. It's by consistently keeping losses small in relation to profits.
                          • #388 Collapse

                            2) Making Money and Being Right are at opposite ends of the performance spectrum, and --- very surprisingly to most --- most professional traders admit their primary job is to minimize losses, NOT focus on being right. Why?
                            • #389 Collapse

                              Minizing losses (well over 50% of the time losses can't be avoided) ensures their average winner will be greater in relation to the average loser.Read
                              1 Comment 99 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you
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                              • #390 Collapse

                                After reading over 100 books on trading, I believe this one could very well be the most important. Your mind will determine if you are successful or not in trading.

                                اب آن لائن
