it is a very nice advice is before demo trading to read several forex a books and study on some strategies.and for example choose one strategy and always follow it for at least one month on demo account,and please write down the wins and looses and analyze it if it is a working strategy.until you will find a very nice strategy,so it may takes months don't forget it is better then loosing too much money just for practicing your trading skills.then when you will ready and your strategy works very well for a few months then it is time to study on emotional discipline.dont forget success in forex 90% is controlling of not to be greedy and not to over trade,not to get angry when loose a trade,not to try to take revenge from markets,and being patient these are all emotional study.but you will not master your study until you will not trade with real money.yes we have to keep on learn new things and improve our self our skills to master ourself in forex world.good luck
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