What Is an Advance Block?

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  • #1 Collapse

    What Is an Advance Block?
    What Is an Advance Block?

    aedoans blak mom bte kay tbadlay kay dezae'n ko dea janay oala nam hay۔ msal aek ten shalh mnfe trteb hay jsay aek alt dezae'n kay tor pr dekha jata hay - aek kheal kh lagt ke srgrme amode petrn say tbdel honay oale hay jo aam tor pr mkhtsr oqt men nzole petrn men hote hay۔ chnd tkhleq karon ka mshorh hay kh trqe kay zreaay aor as kay zreaay aksr alt janay ke bjae'ay teze kay tslsl ka asharh mlta hay۔

    Understanding an Advance Block

    deolpmnt blak kendl dezae'n men char khsoseat hen:
    lagt ke srgrme nay nechay kay rjhan kay andr amode petrn ya aek ahm bab dkhaea hay۔
    ten sfed mom btean yh tasr peda krte hen kh mntqe tor pr zeadh mhdod hqeqe jsm hen۔
    dosre aor tesre mom bteon ka khla hsh maze ke mom bteon kay hqeqe jsm men alg alg mojod hay۔
    tenon mom bteon kay aopre sae'ay thorra thorra lmbay hotay jatay hen - khas tor pr aakhre roshne ka saeh۔
    as msal ko fore tor pr msal ke peroe krtay hoe'ay mndrjh zel chnd adoar men lagt kay alt janay ka andazh lgaea jata hay۔ yh khakh dezae'n mkhtsr amode chalon aor brray dae'rh kar kay nechay kay rjhanat kay andr aor jb mom bteon ke lmbe hqeqe bade hote hay to alta dezae'n ko bhtren shkl deta hay۔ mnfe alt ke tsdeq as oqt hote hay jb mrkze ntejay men lagt bar ka tbadlh prae'mre kendl kay hqeqe bade kay ost poae'nt say hota hay۔
    doelpmnt blak ka dezae'n algorthmk tbadlay say bht phlay kchh gher mamole tha lekn as kay bad say yh zeadh mamol bn gea hay، jo antra day kaؤntr soe'ngz ke zeadh nmaean tkrar ke akase krta hay۔ tmam chezon pr ghor kea gea، brokrz ko srf trqeate blak dezae'n say tjarte sgnl qbol nhen krna chaheay۔ sbhe chezon pr ghor kea gea hay، msal kay tor pr asbat kay tor pr astamal kren ya azafe sbot kay tor pr degr khakh msalon aor khsose asharay men shaml kren takh as nshan kay gher mtzlzl maear pr tkhmenh lganay kay aalay kay tor pr kam kea ja skay۔ mzed yh kh delrz ko lmbay lmbay hqeqe jsmon ke tlash krne chaheay takh teze kay tslsl kay bjae'ay alt janay kay amkanat ko brrhaea ja skay۔

    Advance Block Trading Psychology

    zeadh osea atar chrrhaؤ ke khsoset kay tor pr sekeorte aopr ke trf brrh rhe hay۔ mrkze mom bte aek metng kay sath mzbote say teze say toanae'e peda krte hay jo aek aor blnde pr phnchte hay۔ bel dosre roshne men jet jatay hen tahm nchlay khlnay say phlay nhen jo phlay kay shalay kay ost ke trf jata hay۔
    bay taqt khlnay say aek antbah hota hay keonkh bel bneade roshne men srgrme kay bad taqt kay zeadh lagt oalay alaqon ke toqa krtay hen۔ tesray shalay pr mamole tor pr nchla aaghaz as khdshay ko brrhata hay kh qot khred bkharat men tbdel ho rhe hay phr bhe sekeorte antra day men aonche hrkt krte hay jesa kh pchhle do metngon kay doran hoa tha۔ yh qrebe say phlay ghomta hay، zeadh tr foae'd ko hthear dalta hay، yh zahr krta hay kh tajr fae'dh atha rhay hen ya mkhtsr soday kr rhay hen۔ mndrjh zel do mlaqaton men aek tez nechay ke trf dhkelna aek alt ke tsdeq krta hay۔
    as khsose msal ko nzr andaz kea jata hay، teze kay tslsl ko jhnjhorrtay hoe'ay، yh frz krtay hoe'ay kh sekeorte tesray shalay kay sae'ay pr mslsl trqe krte rhte hay۔ bel sgnl as oqt zeadh graؤnd hota hay jb qrebe tesre mom bte kay sae'ay ko thamay rkhta hay، bjae'ay as kay kh pl bek aek aor lmba saeh bnae'ay
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  • #2 Collapse

    Re: What Is an Advance Block?

    What Is an Advance Block?

    aedoans blak yh hay kh yh nam hlkay tjarte andaz ko dea gea hay۔ msal aek thre fae'r negeto gem plan ho skte hay jsay aek reorsl stae'l kay tor pr dekha jata hay — aek aesa mhrk jo azt ke threk aap kay oqt kay aam tor pr aarze aoqat men aopr ke msal kay tor pr nechay kay dezae'n men tbdel ho jate hay۔ bht say sazon nay tjoez pesh ke hay kh as say phlay kh yh moqa bar bar alt janay ke bjae'ay amed afza tslsl ka asharh krta hay۔

    Understanding an Advance Block

    bhtre kay blak kendl astae'l men hadsate tor pr char khsoseat hen:
    akhrajat ke nql o hrkt nay nechay kay rjhan kay andr aopr ke trf dezae'n ya bneade asr dkhaea hay۔
    ten sfed mom btean aek aesa ahsas peda krte hen jo mrbot tor pr bht zeadh mhdod hqeqe jsm rkhte hen۔
    dosre aor tesre mom bteon ka khla hsh maze ke mom bteon kay hqeqe jsm kay andr anfrade tor pr mojod hay۔
    3 mom bteon kay aonchay sae'ay aahsth aahsth lmbay hotay jatay hen - nmaean tor pr aakhre hlkay ozn ka saeh۔
    as madl ko msal kay bad teze say do ya ten adoar kay andr lagt kay alt janay ka andazh lgaea jata hay۔ yh khsoset kay andaz ko bhtren aadad o shmar frahm krta hay aek alt stae'l tmam aarze amode chalon aor pl beks kay zreaay brray aekstenshn daon trend kay andr aor jb mom btean lmbe hqeqe bade hote hen۔ mnfe reorsl pr asrar kea jata hay jb sb say zeadh qabl qdr bar ke tjart prnspl kendl ke hqeqe bade kay zreaay hote hay۔
    rekreseo tredng say kchh oqt phlay bhtre ka blak astae'l kafe gher mamole tha oesay bhe as kay bad say bht zeadh roaj ko frogh dea gea hay، jo antra day kaؤntr soe'ngz ke aek tn tslem shdh oapse ke akase krta hay۔ hr chez pr ghor kea gea، nmae'ndon ko akelay moqa kay blak astae'l say aekschenj sgnlz ke ojh say nhen krna chahe'ay۔ hr chez pr ghor kea gea hay، kes ko btor tsdeq ya azafe sbot kay tor pr astamal kren js ke qemt mkhtlf khsoseat oalay madlz men shaml ke ge'e hay aor as nshane ke anthk noaet ko janchnay kay aalay kay tor pr nmtnay kay leay tojh mrkoz ke tjaoez۔ aek tn kea hay، dkandaron ko amed afza tslsl kay bjae'ay A reorsl kay moaqa ko zndh krnay kay leay lmbay hqeqe jsmon ke tlash krne prre۔

    Advance Block Trading Psychology

    sekeorte aopr say nechay ke bhtre ya nechay kay rjhan kay andr askrt kay aek jzo kay tor pr aopr ke trf brrh rhe hay۔ sb say zeadh shalh aek smaje tqreb kay sath mzbot amed ke toanae'e peda krta hay jo aek aor blnde pr zahr hota hay۔ bel as kay bad kay hlkay ozn kay andr jet jatay hen lekn nchlay sorakh say phlay nhen jo jld aag ke jgh ke trf dhkelta hay۔
    mghlob sorakh aek nseht ke lhr deta hay keon kh bel zrore hlkay ozn kay andr hrkt krnay pr thos alaqon men zeadh lagt ke toqa krtay hen۔ tesre aag pr gher mamole tor pr nchla sorakh as khdshay ko brrhata hay kh qot khred khtm ho rhe hay bhrhal sekeorte as hqeqt ke roshne men antra day men zeadh brrh rhe hay kh as nay 2 say zeadh metngon kay doran kea tha۔ yh qreb say phlay mhor ho jata hay، foae'd ka brra hsh trk kr deta hay، yh zahr krta hay kh bhejnay oalay foae'd lay rhay hen ya mkhtsr antzamat kay leay aolad ka tsor kr rhay hen۔ ajtmaaat ke sath oale tadad kay andr tez nechay ke trf dhkelna aek alt janay ke tsdeq krta hay۔
    yh khas madl gher oazh، thka hoa amed ka tslsl hay، aagay brrhnay kay leay tndrste tesray aag kay sae'ay pr chhl qdme aor tjart jare rkhay hoe'ay hay۔ bl sgnl aek bar graؤnd honay ka aek brra soda hota hay jb qrebe tesre roshne kay sae'ay ko pkrr leta hay، bjae'ay as kay kh pl bek aek aor lmba saeh bnae'ay
    • #3 Collapse

      Re: What Is an Advance Block?

      What is Advance Block Candlesticks Pattren:

      Dear member forex market Mein advance block candlesticks pattern price ke top per ya Bole strand Mein use time Banta Hai Jab buyers ki market mein sath sath dilchaspi khatm hoti rahti hai yah pattern 3 police candles per mustamel Ek bear is trend reversal pattern is this ki first candle Ek long real body wali Bole scandal Hoti Hai yah candle ek strong real body wali Hoti Hai Jiska upper aur lower side per Shadow ya Vekh bahut Sambhal hote hain pattern ki second candles bhi Bole candle Hoti Hai Jiski real body Sambhal Hoti Hai Jiska Jab Ke Shadow Lamba hota hai pattern ki last candle Ek shooting star candle hoti hai advance block candidate pattern price ke bottom Mein banne wale decent block pattern ka opposite Hota Hai.

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ID:	12432721

      Identification of Advance Block Candlesticks Pattren:

      Dear member advance block candistic pattern 3 Bullet Standard Hota Hai Jiski formation B3 white soleder candlesticks pattern se milati julti hai but ismein Shamil candles Mein Shadow thoda sa Jyada hota hai pattern Mein Shamil candles ki formation aapko mil rahi hoti hain advance block candles take pattern ki first candle long real body wali scandal Hoti Hai yah candle jyadatar Hoti Hai white ya green color Mein Hoti Hai pattern price ke pahle se a Raha aap train train ki taraf Ishara karta hai...

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Name:	30-Advance-Block-_The-Coca-Cola-Company_Nov-15-2010.png
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ID:	12432720

      Dear advance block candlestick pattern ki second candle bhi boleish scandal hoti hai but yeh candle Sambhal real body Mein Hoti Hai Jiske Sath Lamba Shadow hota hai yah candle price ko first candles Ki Tarah Teji Se Bole Pushya nahin karti hai advance block candistic pattern ki third candle Ek shooting star candles hoti hain yah bhi fast do candles Ki Tarah Bole scandal hoti hai nisbat bahut Sambhal real body Mein Hoti Hai candles ka Shadow upper side per Jyada hota hai lekin Sambhal Lo aur side per Bhe Mumkin hai...

      Trading With Advance Block Candlesticks Pattren:

      Dear member advance block candistic pattern sailors ko market Mein entry ka mauka Deta Hai jismein vah market Mein bears candles ke bad entry karte hain bear is Candles trend confirmation ke liye important hai jo ki real body Mein honi chahie pattern ki third candle price ko Masjid Bole jaane se reject karti hai jo ki ek Saman Bole body create Karti Hai trend entry CCI indicator to justice oscillator Se Bhi ki Ja sakti hai Jab Ke stop last pattern ke sabse top position ya shooting star candles ke high price two pipes Par Kiya Ja sakta hai..

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Name:	29-Advance-Block-_Merck-Co.-Inc._Dec-16-2010.png
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ID:	12432719

      Dear advance block candistic pattern price Ke Bole Siya top trend ko bear stand reversal Mein change karne ka kam Karta Hai yah pattern 3 candles so leaders white pattern Ki Tarah free Bole scandals per mustamal hota hai lekin Uske baraks bearing stand ka work karta hai advance balaak candlesticks pattern ki first candle Ek long real body wali scandal hoti hai jo ki jyadatar bagair Shadow Ke Ja sambhal ke sath Hoti Hai yah candle price Mein Bole friend ki strongness ka Ishara Deti Hai pattern ki second candle Ek bhi Bole scandal hoti hai lekin Pahli candle se size mein kam hoti hai yah candle Shadow ke sath hoti hai jo ki jyadatar Iske Apar side per banta hai pattern ki last gendal Ek shooting star candle banti hai Jiska Apar side per Ek long Shadow hota hai jo ki price bnti hai.
      • #4 Collapse

        Re: What Is an Advance Block?

        Advance Block Candlestick Pattren:

        Define Advance Block Candlestick Pattren?

        AoA my dear Forex members...

        Ummid Karti Hun Ki mere tamam members khairiyat se honge aur apna Kam acche tarike se kar rahe honge aur Forex se achcha khasa profit hasil Karke apni vishesh ko pura kar rahe honge Forex ek aisa business Hai Jis per ham struggle aur mehnat Karke achcha businessman ban sakte hain aur ek achcha profit bhi hasil kar sakte hain aaj ka Mera topic hai advance block and district chart pattern iske mutaalik mein aapse kuchh information aur knowledge share karna chahti hun kya pata mere is information se aap acche kar sake...

        Forex market mein advance block pattern size price chart top per banne ke bad market inverse movement shuru Karti Hai yah pattern 3 balls candles for Mr bean hota hai pattern ki first candles largest body wali price scandals Hoti Hai jab ke middle wali scandals first candle size mein chhoti hoti hai but ke long affairs Shadow wali Hoti Hai pattern ki last candle shoting star long Aaya hota hai price chart per aap Rani honge smile bullet pendal sote Hain....

        Identification of Advanc Block Candlestick Chart Pattern:

        Forex market mein advance block District pattern ki top mein acid se Ki residence level per banta Hai jahan per prices in very stunt reversals mein change Hona Hoti Hai yah pattern 3 lagta hai mujhe aapko detail se discuss karta karte hue information officer karna chahti Hun Ki chemistry ka pattern se chart ham kaise detail ke sath player karte hain aur isase kis tarike se bonus hasil kar sakte hain.
        Is pattern ke information discuss karne se pahle fast candle lake police candle hoti hai jo clear body mein strong candles banati Hai yah candle price upper aur low Shadow ki Hoti Hai jiske open price close se upar hota hai is pattern ki second candle bhi sem fast candle Ki Tarah hoti hai jo candles Hoti Hai yah candle ki real body Jo uski cloth price ke bad open hoti jayegi jo ki Apar close Hoti Hai iske candle ki real body fast standard ki mukabale mein kam hoti hai jabki per site per ek long shirt hota hai is pattern ki third candle Ki Tarah Ki Tarah candles hoti hai jo ki second ke andar carrier body off lo price open hokar upper per close Hoti Hai yah candle jyadatar size mein kam hoti hai jab ke upar side per ek lamba shade hota hai jo ki minimum real body size mein jyada hota Hai.

        Explanation of Advanc Block Candlestick Chart Pattern:

        Advance block and better price chart for ban wali you and pattern ki honi ke bavjud bhi yah 10 versions ka kam karti hai better price chart per police high price area mein banta hai jo ke mukabala time frame mein yahi position price ke liye residential Hoti Hai kam hoti jaati Hai but long upper Shadow ke sath first ranker price ke sath upper close Hoti Hai pattern ki last rangers spanning top Android ya shooting star candles Hoti Hai jiski small body ke upar site per ek log Shadow banta hai.

        Trading on Block Candlestick Chart Pattern:

        Advance block and sleep pattern for trading confirmation candle real body mein barish honi chahiye Jo ke third candle pattern kitni long candle candles free Hoti Hai confirmation candles agar continuation pattern ka kam karegi Jis per ham sel ki entry ki bajaye bye ki entry kar sakte hain last shooting star ke andar set karne per Forex mein ham acchi mehnat Karke ek achcha profit aur bonus hasil kar sakti hain agar ham iske is business mein achcha struggle aur mehnat ke Sath kam karte hain hamare candlestick chart pattern acche tarike se move Karti Hai To ismein ham achcha khasa profit hasil kar....

        Advance Block Candlestick Chart Pattern

        • #5 Collapse

          Re: What Is an Advance Block?

          Assalamualaikum Kise ho ap sab log me bilkul thek or khariyat se ho or umeed karta ho ke ap sab lol g bhi bilkul thek or khariyat se ho ge aj is thread me apko mePakistan forex trading ke ak bhot he important topic advance block candlestick patterns ki importance ke bare me btao or me umeed karta ho ke jo information me
          Apse share karo ga wo apke knowledge or experience me zaror izafa kare ge or agar ap mere is thread pe amal karte he to ap ak kamyab trader ban sakte he or bhot
          Sare paise bhi kama sakte he ak or bat jo me apko btana chahta ho ke agar ham Pakistan forex forum pe apni pori mhenat or himmat se Kam karte he or apna
          Ziyada se ziyada time bhi Pakistan forex forum pe guzarte he to ham ak kamyab trader ban sakte he.

          Bilateral charts pattern tab banta ha jab market aik trend mm to brh rahi ho lakin bar bar kuch candles down side aur kuch up side bana rahi ho. yani overall to eska aik he trend ho laikin ye trend bar bar pause hoty huye uper nichy movement kar raha ho es tarah kay patterns main ascendings descendings aur symmetrical triangle bnty hain yani ye patterns takon ki surat main bnty hain bilateral pattern asal ma triangle pattern hoty hain jin k andar price ki movement bound hoti ha ye 2 type k signal dety hain k market ya to up trend ma ha ya phr down trend ma ha ye signal depend karty hain k market kia tarha triangle ko break karti ha bilateral chart pattern ki main 3 types ye hain.

          Ascending Triangle.
          Ascending triangle ki formation market mein is trha hoti hai ky is mein market ky highs constantconstant rehty hain jab ky lows gradual decrease dikhaty hain. Is trha in lows aur highs koko connect karny se ek upper constant line ky sath lower ascending line dikhae deti hai. Yeh market mein dekhi ja skti hai. Is trha Ascending traingle ki formation hoti ha.

          Descending Triangles
          Descending traingle patterns ki formation es trha hoti ha ky market ko observe karty huey aap note krty hain ky market ki lower prices constant hain jab ky market ky highs mein constant decrease dekhny mrin aa rha ha es trha highs aur lows ko horizontal lines ky sath connect krny se descending triangle ki formation hoti ha descending triangles market mein Bearish trends ky doran form hoty hain es trha in ko trade karny ky liye aapko iski knowledge aur esky function ki knowledge honi chahiye.

          • #6 Collapse

            ADVANCE BLOCK PATTERN IN FOREX TRADING Advance Block, forex trading mein ek candlestick pattern hai jo market analysis mein istemal hota hai. Yeh pattern bullish trend ke aghaz mein aksar dekha jata hai.Advance Block ek bearish reversal pattern hai jo doji aur bullish candlesticks se bana hota hai. Yeh pattern market mein tezi ke bad aksar paya jata hai.Advance Block pattern ko pehchanne ke liye, yeh cheezen dhyan mein rakhni chahiye.Pehli candlestick ek strong bullish candlestick hoti hai, jo uptrend ko darust karti hai.Dusri candlestick ek doji ya small bullish candlestick hoti hai, jo pehli candlestick ke close price ke qareeb close hoti hai.Teesri candlestick bhi ek small bullish candlestick hoti hai, lekin yeh pehli aur doosri candlesticks ke closing prices ke qareeb close hoti hai. ADVANCE BLOCK PATTERN DETAILS Advance Block pattern bullish trend ke weak hone ki nishani ho sakti hai. Pehli strong bullish candlestick dikhata hai ke uptrend mein taqat hai, lekin doji aur teesri candlesticks dikhate hain ke buyers ki taqat kamzor hoti ja rahi hai.Advance Block pattern ko istemal karke traders bearish reversal ki sambhavna ko samajh sakte hain. Agar yeh pattern strong uptrend ke baad aata hai, to yeh ek bearish reversal signal ho sakta hai, aur traders sell positions le sakte hain.Advance Block pattern ko istemal karke traders bearish reversal ki sambhavna ko samajh sakte hain. Agar yeh pattern strong uptrend ke baad aata hai, to yeh ek bearish reversal signal ho sakta hai, aur traders sell positions le sakte hain. CONSULTATION Advance Block pattern ek candlestick pattern hai jo traders ko market mein bearish reversal ki sambhavna ke bare mein suchit kar sakta hai. Lekin, yeh pattern keval ek indicator hai aur dusre technical analysis tools ke saath istemal kiya jana chahiye trading decisions ko confirm karne ke liye.Advance Block pattern ko istemal karke traders bearish reversal ki sambhavna ko samajh sakte hain. Agar yeh pattern strong uptrend ke baad aata hai, to yeh ek bearish reversal signal ho sakta hai, aur traders sell positions le sakte hain.
            • #7 Collapse

              What is an advance block?

              Forex Trading mein Advance Block ek candlestick pattern hai jo price action ka ek important indicator hai. Ye pattern typically uptrend ke dauran aata hai aur bullish momentum ki weakening ko indicate karta hai. Is pattern ko samajhna traders ke liye zaroori hai taaki woh market movements ko better analyze kar sakein aur trading decisions ko improve kar sakein.

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ID:	12886887

              Advance Block Pattern ka Tashkeel:

              Advance Block pattern ek sequence hota hai jismein 3 bearish candles shamil hote hain jo ek uptrend ke dauran appear karte hain. In teeno candles ki size dheere-dheere kam hoti hai aur closing prices previous candles ke close ke near hoti hain. Ye decreasing size aur closing prices ke similarity bullish momentum ki weakening ko dikhata hai.

              Advance Block Pattern ki Shartein:
              1. Teen Bearish Candles: Advance Block pattern mein teen bearish candles shamil hote hain jo ek uptrend ke dauran appear karte hain.
              2. Size aur Closing Prices ki Similarity: Teen candles ki size dheere-dheere kam hoti hai aur closing prices previous candles ke close ke near hoti hain. Ye ek indication hai ke bullish momentum weaken ho raha hai.
              3. Upper Shadows ki Kami: Har bearish candle ki upper shadow ki kami hoti hai, jo ki selling pressure ke kam hone ka indication hai.
              4. Volume ki Analysis: Volume ki bhi analysis important hai. Agar teeno candles ke volumes decrease ho rahe hain, to ye pattern aur bhi valid ho jata hai.

              Advance Block Pattern ka Tafsili Tashreeh:

              Imagine karein ke ek currency pair ka price ek uptrend mein hai. Phir teesri candle jo uptrend mein aata hai, uska size pehle do candles ke muqable chhota hota hai aur uska closing price pehle do candles ke close ke near hota hai. Is tarah ki pattern ko Advance Block pattern kehte hain.

              Ye pattern bullish momentum ki weakening ko indicate karta hai aur potential reversal ke signals provide karta hai. Traders ko is pattern ko samajh kar uske according trading decisions lena chahiye.

              Advance Block Pattern ka Istemal Forex Trading mein:
              1. Reversal Signals: Advance Block pattern bullish trend ke weakening aur potential reversal ke signals provide karta hai. Agar ye pattern ek strong uptrend ke baad appear hota hai to ye ek reversal signal ho sakta hai.
              2. Confirmation ke saath Trade Entry: Agar Advance Block pattern ke appearance ke saath hi doji ya bearish engulfing jaise aur bearish candlestick patterns bhi confirm hote hain, to ye ek strong trading signal ho sakta hai.
              3. Stop Loss aur Target Levels: Trading mein risk management crucial hota hai. Advance Block pattern ke identification ke baad, traders ko tight stop loss aur appropriate target levels set karna chahiye taaki losses minimize kiya ja sake aur profits maximize kiya ja sake.


              Advance Block pattern forex trading mein ek important technical indicator hai jo bullish trend ke weakening aur potential reversals ko identify karne mein madad karta hai. Is pattern ko samajhna aur sahi tareeke se interpret karna traders ke liye zaroori hai taaki woh trading decisions ko improve kar sakein aur consistent profits generate kar sakein. Hamesha yaad rahe ke ek single indicator par rely na karein aur doosre technical analysis tools aur market context ko bhi consider karein.

              • #8 Collapse

                What Is an Advance Block?

                Advance Block ek bearish pattern hai jo market mein hone wale possible trend reversal ko indicate karta hai. Yeh ek technical indicator hai jo different stock markets mein istemal kiya jata hai takay investors ko market ka possible movement estimate karne mein madad mil sake.

                Advance Block ka tareeqa kaam is tarah hai:
                1. Material ki Pehchan: Advance Block ka pehla marhala yeh hota hai ke indicator ki pehchan ki jati hai. Yeh humein batata hai ke market mein kya materialistic change araha hai.
                2. Sawalat ki Tashkeel: Dusra marhala yeh hota hai ke jo additional material hai, uske sath sawalat ki tashkeel ki jati hai. Kya ye additional material market ki activity ki power ko dikhate hain ya sirf temporary decisions hain?
                3. Tarteeb dena: Aakhri marhala yeh hota hai ke additional material ki tarteeb di jati hai. Kya ye chhota ya bara maani hai? Kya ye effective material ko represent karte hain?

                Misal ke taur par, agar ek stock ki price mein constant growth dekhi gayi hai, phir ek chhota Advance Block dekha jata hai jo temporary decision ho sakta hai. Phir ek bara Advance Block dekha jata hai, jo possible hai ke effective material ka behtareen representation ho.

                In summary, Advance Block indicator investors ko stock market ke possible trends ka estimate lagane mein madad karta hai. Yeh unhe market ke situations ko behtar tareeke se samajhne mein madad karta hai.

                • #9 Collapse

                  advance block kya hai.

                  advance block teen moamibattiyon wala ek bearish reversal candlestick pattern hai. yah aamtaur per ek uptrend ke ant mein dikhai deta hai. siddhant roop se, is pattern ke bad keval ek bearish reversal hona chahie. lekin, zahir si baat hai ki koi bhi pattern har samay sahi nahin hota hai. isliye, aise samay hote hain jab yah pattern sirf ek trend nirantarata pattern ki tarah kam karta hai. iske bavjud, yah durlabh pattern, jab dikhai deta hai, to kai vyapariyon ki trading rannitiyon ki ridh ki haddi banata hai, isliye yah abhi bhi dekhne layak hai.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	29-Advance-Block-_Merck-Co.-Inc._Dec-16-2010.png
Views:	39
Size:	25.6 کلوبائٹ
ID:	12887895

                  advance block pattern ki visheshtaen is prakar hain:
                  • yah teen lambi moamibattiyon se bana hai.
                  • sabhi teen moamibattiyan bullish hain, jiska arth hai ki unka band hone ka mulya unke khulne ke mulya se adhik hai.
                  • pratyek kramik moamibatti pichhali moamibatti ke sharir ke bhitar khulti hai.
                  • pratyek kramik moamibatti pichhali moamibatti se unchi band hoti hai.

                  advance block pattern ko samajhne ka ek tarika yah hai ki yah ek uptrend ki kulminati ka pratinidhitv karta hai. pahli moamibatti uptrend ki takat ko darshati hai. dusri moamibatti dikhati hai ki kharidaron ko abhi bhi niyantran hai, lekin ve thoda bhadak rahe hain. teesri moamibatti dikhati hai ki kharidar aur bhi adhik bhadak rahe hain, aur ve uptrend ko jari rakhne ke liye paryapt dabav nahin bana sakte hain.
                  advance block pattern ka upyog karne ke kai alag-alag tarike hain. ek saral tarika yah hai ki jab pattern pura ho jata hai to ek chhoti sthiti darj karen. ek aur tarika yah hai ki pattern ke purn hone ka intezar karen aur fir ek pullback ke liye pratiksha karen. ek bar jab pullback ho jata hai, to aap ek lambi sthiti darj kar sakte hain.
                  yah dhyan rakhna mahatvpurn hai ki advance block pattern ek sampurn nahin hai. yah anya takniki sanketkon ke sath upyog kiye jaane per sabse achcha kam karta hai. udaharan ke liye, aap advance block pattern ko oversold sthiti ke sath jod sakte hain. yah aapko un vyaparon ki pahchan karne mein madad karega jinka safalta ki sambhavna adhik hai.

                  yahan advance block pattern ka ek udaharan diya gaya hai:
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                  is chart mein, aap ek uptrend dekh sakte hain jo teen lambi moamibattiyon se bana hai. sabhi teen moamibattiyan bullish hain, aur pratyek kramik moamibatti pichhali moamibatti ke sharir ke bhitar khulti hai aur usse unchi band hoti hai. yah advance block pattern ki sabhi visheshtaon ko pura karta hai.
                  pattern ke purn hone ke bad, kimat mein giravat aane lagti hai. yah batata hai ki pattern safal raha aur uptrend ek downtrend mein ulat gaya.
                  advance block pattern ek mulyvan takniki sanket hai jiska upyog sambhavit bearish reversals ki pahchan karne ke liye kiya ja sakta hai. halanki, yah dhyan rakhna mahatvpurn hai ki yah ek sampurn nahin hai. yah anya takniki sanketkon ke sath upyog kiye jaane per sabse achcha kam karta hai.

                  yahan kuchh atirikt sansadhan diye gaye hain jo aapko upyogi lag sakte hain:
                  • advance block candlestick pattern per wikipedia lekh: [Invalid URL remove kiya gaya]
                  • advance block candlestick pattern per investopedia lekh: [Invalid URL remove kiya gaya]
                  • tradingview per advance block candlestick pattern: [Invalid URL remove kiya gaya]
                  • #10 Collapse

                    Advance block
                    Advance Block" candlestick pattern ek bearish reversal pattern hai jo ki Japanese candlestick chart analysis mein dekha jata hai. Ye pattern typically uptrend ke baad form hota hai aur bearish reversal ke possibilities ko indicate karta hai.

                    Advance Block pattern ko identify karne ke liye, traders ko specific characteristics ko observe karna hota hai:
                    1. Three Consecutive Bullish Candles: Advance Block pattern mein typically three consecutive bullish candles dekhe jate hain.
                    2. Decreasing Range and Body Size: Har candle ke range aur body size mein decrease hota hai jab pattern form hota hai. Agar har successive candle ki body size pehle ke candles se chhoti hoti hai, toh ye indicate karta hai ki buying pressure kam ho rahi hai.
                    3. Long Upper Shadows: Har candle ke upper shadows lambi hoti hain. Yeh indicate karta hai ki jab bhi price upar jaata hai, toh waha se selling pressure aati hai.

                    Advance Block pattern ka formation typically is tarah se hota hai:
                    1. Uptrend: Pehle, ek strong uptrend hota hai jahan price consistently higher highs aur higher lows banata hai. Yeh indicate karta hai ki buyers dominate kar rahe hain aur bullish sentiment strong hai.
                    2. Formation: Uptrend ke baad, three consecutive bullish candles form hote hain jismein har candle ka close pehle ke candles ke close se higher hota hai. Lekin har candle ki range aur body size mein decrease hota hai, aur upper shadows lambi hote hain.
                    3. Bearish Reversal Signal: Advance Block pattern ka formation bearish reversal ko indicate karta hai. Yeh suggest karta hai ki uptrend ki strength kam ho rahi hai aur bearish momentum increase ho sakta hai.
                    Treading Strategy and manipulation
                    Advance Block pattern ko confirm karne ke liye, traders typically wait karte hain for the next candlestick ke follow-up bearish movement ka. Agar price aur volume ke saath downward movement continue hota hai, toh pattern ka confirmation hota hai.Overall, Advance Block pattern bearish reversal ko indicate karta hai uptrend ke baad, aur traders is pattern ko use karke potential trend reversal points ko identify kar sakte hain. Jaise ki har technical pattern mein hota hai, is pattern ko bhi confirmatory indicators aur proper risk management ke saath use karna important hai.
                    • #11 Collapse

                      What is an advance block?

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                      Advance Block:

                      1. Advance Block Kya Hai?
                      • Advance Block ek candlestick pattern hai jo uptrend ke baad dikhai deta hai aur bearish reversal ko indicate karta hai.
                      • Ye pattern typically three bullish candles se bana hota hai.

                      2. Advance Block Pattern Ki Pehchan (Identifying the Advance Block Pattern):
                      • Advance Block pattern ko pehchanne ke liye traders ko pehli do candlesticks ki zaroorat hoti hai jo strong uptrend ko represent karte hain.
                      • Teesri candlestick mein price mein kuch kamzori (weakness) dikhai deti hai, jo bearish reversal ki shuruwat ho sakti hai.

                      3. Advance Block Pattern Ki Khasiyat (Characteristics of Advance Block Pattern):
                      • Pehli do candlesticks mein strong bullish movement hota hai, jabki teesri candlestick mein price mein thori si kamzori (weakness) dikhai deti hai.
                      • Teesri candlestick ka close price typically peechle do candlesticks ke close prices ke qareeb hota hai, lekin body ka size chota hota hai.

                      4. Trading Mein Advance Block Ka Istemal (Using Advance Block in Trading):
                      • Confirmation Ki Zaroorat: Advance Block pattern ko confirm karne ke liye traders ko doosre technical indicators aur price action ke saath combine karke confirmation hasil karna chahiye.
                      • Entry Point Ka Faisla: Agar Advance Block pattern ko confirm kiya gaya hai, toh traders short positions mein daakhil ho sakte hain.
                      • Stop Loss Aur Target Levels: Entry ke saath saath stop loss aur target levels bhi set kiye ja sakte hain. Stop loss ko typically teesri candlestick ke high ke above set kiya jata hai aur target levels ko previous swings ya technical levels ke hisaab se decide kiya jata hai.

                      5. Risk Management (Khatra Prabandhan):
                      • Har trade mein risk management ka khayal rakhna zaroori hai. Advance Block pattern ke trade mein bhi stop loss ka istemal zaroori hai taake nuksan ko kam kiya ja sake.
                      • Position sizing aur risk-reward ratio ka bhi dhyan rakhna chahiye.

                      6. Practice Aur Tajurba (Practice and Experience):
                      • Advance Block pattern ko sahi tareeqe se pehchanne aur samajhne ke liye practice aur experience kaafi zaroori hai.
                      • Demo account par trading karke aur live market mein experience gain karke traders apni skills ko improve kar sakte hain.

                      Nateeja: Advance Block candlestick pattern ek bearish reversal signal hai jo uptrend ke baad bearish trend ke shuru hone ka indication deta hai. Is pattern ko sahi tareeqe se samajh kar aur sahi risk management ke saath istemal karke traders apni trading performance ko improve kar sakte hain. Magar hamesha yaad rahe ke kisi bhi trading decision se pehle thorough analysis aur risk management ki zaroorat hoti hai.
                      • #12 Collapse

                        What is an advance block?.
                        Ek advance block wo block hota hai jo kisi mawad ya mawad ko makhsoos tareeqay se pesh karne ke liye istemal hota hai. Yeh ek tarteeb di gayi hoti hai jisme mawad ya mawad ki tafseelat aur maloomat shamil hoti hain. Aise blocks aam tor par mazmoon ya report ke aghaz mein shamil hote hain taake parhne walon ko mawad ki peshgoi hosakti hai.
                        Ek misaal ke tor par, ek advance block mein technology ke fawaid aur nuqsanat par baat ki ja sakti hai, jisse parhne walon ko mawad ki ahmiyat aur information hasil hoti hai.

                        Ek advance block woh muaahida hota hai jis mein ek shakhs ya company doosre shakhs ya company ko maali ya karobari madad faraham karta hai mukabil mein makhsoos muddat ke doran is madad ka makhsoos andaz mein wapas karne ka wada karta hai.

                        Aise muaahide aam tor par tijarati muamlaat mein istemal hote hain jahan ek taraf ko peshgoi ki bunyad par maali ya karobari madad ki zaroorat hoti hai. Iss tarah ke block muamlaat mein aitmad ko barhane ka zariya bante hain aur muaahida karne wali tarafon ko aman mehsoos hota hai ke woh ek doosre ki madad par aitmad kar sakte hain.

                        Advance block ka kaam hota hai mawad ya mawad ko behtar tareeqay se present karna. Is mein mawad ki tafseelat aur maloomat shamil hoti hain jo parhne walon ko mawad ki samajh aur ahmiyat samajhne mein madad deti hai. Is tarah se advance block mawad ko behtar tareeqay se organize karne aur parhne walon ko mawad ke husool aur samajh mein madad faraham karne ka kaam karta hai.
                        Advance block kaam karne ka tareeqa yeh hota hai ke jab kisi mawad ya mawad ko present karna hota hai, to pehle ek advance block tayar kiya jata hai. Is block mein mawad ki tafseelat, maloomat aur ahem points shamil kiye jate hain.

                        Jab parhne walon ke liye mawad tayar hota hai, to advance block ke zariye unhe mawad ki peshgoi hoti hai. Is tareeqay se parhne walon ko mawad ke husool aur samajh mein asani hoti hai. Advance block mawad ko behtar tareeqay se organize karke parhne walon ko mawad tak pohanchane mein madadgar hota hai.
                        Advance block ko samajhne ka treeqa yeh ho sakta hai ke pehle mawad ka mohtava samjha jaye. Phir advance block ke andar di gayi tafseelat aur maloomat par tawajju di jaye. Iske baad mawad ko behtar tareeqay se organize karne ke liye advance block ka istemal samjha jaye.

                        Is tareeqay se advance block ki ahmiyat aur kaam ko samajhne mein asani hogi. Sath hi, advance block ke zariye mawad ko pesh karne ka faida aur tareeqa bhi samajhne mein madad milegi.

                        Advance block ki kuch properties hain:
                        1. Organized Information:

                        Advance block mein mawad ya mawad ki tafseelat aur maloomat organized tareeqay se shamil hoti hain jo parhne walon ko samajhne mein madad deti hai.
                        2. Enhanced Presentatio:
                        Advance block mawad ko behtar tareeqay se present karne mein madadgar hota hai aur parhne walon ko mawad ki samajh aur peshgoi mein asani faraham karta hai.
                        3. Importance of Content:
                        Advance block ke zariye mawad ka ahem hissa highlight kiya jata hai jisse parhne walon ko mawad ki ahmiyat samajhne mein madad milti hai.
                        4. Structured Approach:
                        Advance block mawad ko ek tarteeb di gayi shakal mein present karta hai jisse parhne walon ko mawad ke husool aur samajh mein asani hoti hai.
                        5. Engagement:
                        Advance block parhne walon ki tawajju ko barqarar rakhne mein madadgar hota hai aur mawad ko interesting tareeqay se present karke readers ko engage karta hai.

                        1. Behtar Samajh:

                        Advance block mawad ko organize karne mein madad deta hai, jisse parhne walon ko mawad ko behtar tareeqay se samajhne mein madad milti hai.
                        2. Engagement:
                        Parhne walon ko mawad tak pohanchane mein asani hoti hai aur unhe engaged rakhne mein madadgar hota hai.
                        3. Peshgoi:
                        Mawad ko pesh karne mein madad milti hai aur mawad ki ahmiyat ko highlight karne mein asani hoti hai.

                        1. Overwhelming:

                        Kabhi kabhi advance block mein zyada tafseelat shamil ho sakti hai jo parhne walon ko overwhelm kar sakti hai.
                        2. Time-Consuming:
                        Advance block tayar karna waqt aur mehnat ki zarurat hoti hai, jo ke kisi ke liye mushkil ho sakta hai.
                        3. Misinterpretation:
                        Agar advance block theek se tayar nahi kiya gaya ho to parhne walon mein mawad ka ghalat fehmi paida ho sakti hai.

                        conclusion :
                        Overall, advance block mawad ko behtar tareeqay se present karne mein madadgar hota hai, lekin usay theek tareeqay se tayar karna bhi zaroori hai taake faiday nuqsanat se zyada hon.
                        Is article mein humne advance block ke hawale se mukhtasir maloomat di hai. Advance block ek tijarati muaahida hai jisme aik shakhs ya company doosre shakhs ya company ko mali ya karobari madad faraham karta hai mukabil mein makhsoos muddat ke doran is madad ka makhsoos andaz mein wapas karne ka wada karta hai. Yeh muaahide tijarati muamlaat mein aam tor par istemal hote hain aur aitmad ko barhane ka zariya bante hain. Is tarah ke muaahide karne wali tarafon ko aasani hoti hai ke woh ek doosre ki madad par aitmad kar sakte hain.
                        Last edited by ; 29-03-2024, 09:52 PM.
                        • #13 Collapse

                          Advance Block: Ek Candlestick Pattern

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                          Advance Block ek candlestick pattern hai jo ki technical analysis mein istemal hota hai market trend ko identify karne ke liye. Ye pattern typically uptrend ke doran dekha jata hai aur iska matlab hota hai ke market mein bullish momentum weak ho raha hai aur prices ke further increase mein difficulty aa rahi hai. Aaiye is pattern ke bare mein mazeed jaan lein:

                          1. Pattern Ki Tareef (Description of the Pattern): Advance Block pattern typically teen consecutive green candles se banta hai jo ek uptrend ke doran dikhte hain. Har ek green candle ki body previous candle ki body se chhoti hoti hai, indicating ke bullish momentum mein thakaav (weakness) dikh rahi hai.

                          2. Pattern Ke Mukhtalif Parts (Various Components of the Pattern):
                          • Pehla Candle: Pehla candle ek strong bullish candle hota hai jo ke uptrend ko indicate karta hai.
                          • Dusra Candle: Dusra candle bhi bullish hota hai lekin pehle candle se chhota hota hai, indicating ke bullish momentum mein kamzori hai.
                          • Teesra Candle: Teesra candle bhi green hota hai lekin pehle do candles se chhota hota hai, showing further weakening of bullish momentum.

                          3. Pattern Ki Tashkeel (Formation of the Pattern): Advance Block pattern jab market mein ek uptrend ke doran dekha jata hai. Pehle candle mein strong buying ka sign hota hai, lekin doosre aur teesre candles mein bullish momentum mein thakaav aata hai aur prices ke further increase mein difficulty hoti hai.

                          4. Pattern Ka Tafsili Tajziya (Detailed Analysis of the Pattern):
                          • Advance Block pattern typically bullish trend ke end mein dekha jata hai aur iska interpretation hota hai ke bullish momentum weak ho raha hai.
                          • Is pattern ko confirm karne ke liye, traders ko volume aur doosre technical indicators ka bhi istemal karna hota hai.
                          • Agar market mein Advance Block pattern dikhta hai, to yeh ek potential reversal signal ho sakta hai aur traders ko cautious rehna chahiye.

                          Advance Block pattern ek important candlestick pattern hai jo traders ke liye market trend ka indication deta hai. Is pattern ko samajh kar aur uski roshni mein trading decisions lene se traders apne trading performance ko improve kar sakte hain. Lekin, har ek trading signal ki tarah, Advance Block pattern ko confirm karne ke liye additional analysis zaroori hoti hai.
                          • <a href="https://www.instaforex.org/ru/?x=ruforum">InstaForex</a>
                          • #14 Collapse

                            **Advance Block Kya Hai?**
                            Advance Block ek candlestick pattern hai jo technical analysis mein use hota hai aur market ke potential reversals aur trends ko identify karne ke liye istemal kiya jata hai. Yeh pattern primarily bearish signals ko denote karta hai aur market ke upward trend ke reversal ka indication hota hai.

                            **Advance Block Pattern Ka Structure**

                            Advance Block pattern generally 3 candlesticks par mabni hota hai:

                            1. **Pehli Candlestick**: Yeh candlestick ek long white candle hoti hai jo strong buying pressure aur upward movement ko show karti hai. Iski closing price opening price se kafi upar hoti hai, aur yeh ek strong bullish signal hota hai.

                            2. **Doosri Candlestick**: Yeh candlestick bhi white hoti hai lekin iski body pehli candlestick ke body se chhoti hoti hai. Iski closing price pehli candlestick ke close ke kareeb hoti hai, aur yeh market mein thoda sa hesitation aur weakening ka signal hota hai.

                            3. **Teesri Candlestick**: Yeh candlestick ek black (bearish) candle hoti hai jo pehli do candlesticks ke high ke upar se open hoti hai aur phir close hoti hai unki body ke niche. Yeh candlestick market ke reversal ka clear indication hoti hai, jahan strong bearish momentum develop hota hai.

                            **Advance Block Pattern Ki Pehchaan**

                            Advance Block pattern ko identify karna thoda challenging ho sakta hai, lekin kuch key points hain jo aapko is pattern ko recognize karne mein madad karte hain:

                            1. **Trend Reversal**: Is pattern ke formation ke baad, market mein reversal ya trend change ka signal milta hai. Agar yeh pattern uptrend ke dauran ban raha ho, to yeh bearish reversal ko indicate karta hai.

                            2. **Volume Analysis**: Advance Block pattern ke saath volume analysis bhi zaroori hota hai. Agar volume increase ho raha ho, to pattern ke bearish signal ki confirmation milti hai.

                            3. **Pattern Confirmation**: Advance Block pattern ko confirm karne ke liye, aapko iske formation ke baad market ke behavior ko observe karna chahiye. Agar market downward movement show karti hai, to pattern ka signal valid hota hai.

                            **Trading Aur Risk Management**

                            Advance Block pattern ka use karte waqt risk management zaroori hai. Stop-loss levels set karna chahiye taake unexpected market moves se bacha ja sake. Is pattern ko other technical indicators ke saath combine karna bhi beneficial ho sakta hai taake accurate trading decisions liye ja sakein.

                            Advance Block ek important technical analysis tool hai jo aapko market ke reversal aur trend changes ko identify karne mein madad karta hai. Is pattern ko sahi se samajhkar aur effectively use karke, aap apne trading strategies ko enhance kar sakte hain.

                            اب آن لائن
