<strong>Introduction</strong><br>Dear members Assalamualaikum my today review is on hair straightener.so basically this is a device which is used to straight hair by using iron rods when this device is plugged into a switch and in return with electricity <br>Its rods get hot and make our hair straight this device is very popular among every age group of females because it helps them to look beautiful by straightning their hairs different kinds of hair straighteners are available in market and <br>you can buy the straightener by Recommendation of expert or you can see the reviews of different companies on Google and YouTube. <br>
<strong><br>Famous brands selling hair straightner</strong><br>Remington<br>Philips<br>VEGA<br><strong >Advantages</strong><br>1. Advantages of hair straightener is that your hair looks beautiful<br>2.Looks natural <br>3.And most important is that you are here came back to original look when you wash them it is not a permanent straight<br><strong>DisAdvantages</strong><br>Everything has good or bad so scared has also some bad aspect as well as good<br>First of all when you state your hair with iron what it makes your hair weaker and burn the ends of your hair your hairs doesn't look beautifully in a natural way.<br><strong>Recommendation</strong><br>My recommendation is not to use hair straightener on daily basis and instead of use it occasionally so that it does not change your hair permanently does not damage your hair and weaker them.
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